the harvest 
day 35
Hey First name / friend,
Hope to see you at our FINAL Book Club today, regardless of if you've cracked the book yet. ;) This is a chance to connect to the others and the sacred space of this container. Link is in the portal.
Today I wanted to share about the ROOT. This center is paramount to our ability to co-create. While we touched on the Solar Plexus when it comes to capacity, this center is the foundation of abundance, whether you have it defined or not, we want to love up on, empty, tend + nourish it. It is literally our connection to the Earth, our greatest teacher in the art of abundance. 
When our Root is ungrounded we are living in our heads, we feel stressed and scattered. And when we have imbalance in the ROOT it affects balance in all other centers, not to mention it mirrors our CROWN which is our connection to the Divine, to the Quantum, to Source itself. 
Spend some time today with your bare feet on the Earth. Imagine and ask her to take all the energy that does not serve your highest good and light, that does not align you with your Vision - to compost it and send it out in the world as a higher vibe - you can even specify what and where. Then invite her to calibrate your energy, to bring you in to harmony + greater vitality. In TCM the Spleen + Stomach are tied to the Earth element, therefore these organ systems are directly tied to our ability to concretize our dreams on the Earth plane. Healy folks, intentionally work with Spleen Meridian + Stomach Meridian and experiment with using the sticky pads on the actual points like ST36. If you don't have a Healy, try pressing this point in gentle circles to nurture the ways in which you “ripen” into resonance with your desires. 
Other ways to connect to the Root (members get all the goods HERE):
  • Try this embodiment breath. 
  • Wear red or black underwear.
  • Read about the Root center here
  • Eat root vegetables, ancestral + red foods. 
  • Explore abhyanga as a way to ground your nervous system. 
You are worthy of what you desire. Are you ready to receive? 
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 214 - 270 (ch 19 - AW) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). This will be our FINAL book club so I truly hope you can make it. I'd love to see all of your faces. If you cannot but would like to connect hit reply and I may try to put an additional final meet together for everyone. 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b