are you ready to
lose 5 lbs in 5 days!
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devon's 5 day results:
"Ok, I have to admit, I didn't think the 5 Day Drop would work. But I'm always willing to at least test it . Here are my results .
But what the pics don't say is that my energy is off the charts, and I FEEL amazing. And even though my 5 days are done, I WANT to eat healthy and not craving sweets like I used to."

why the 5 day drop?
Jump start your body transformation with this 5-piece kit preps your body for optimal nutrient absorption by providing everything you need to support digestive health, hydration + alkalinity, and your microbiome.
You'll get clear guidance on what to eat + when with an easy-to-follow guide.
AND have an optional group for support.
Infuse your body with our select powerful combo of ingredients to help your body release toxins + support your energy levels during the 5 days.
(Trace minerals from the sundance sea, superfood phytonutrients, probiotics + digestive enzymes will refresh your body + make you feel light and alive!)
Type “5 DAY DROP” in the search bar.

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jackie's 5 day results:
"Finished my 5 day drop! Down 5 lbs, 3 inches in my waist + 1 inch in my hips I didn’t have a ton of weight to lose anymore (already lost 20 from pregnancy) but I just wanted a few lbs and my belly gone! After having 4 babies it’s been nearly impossible to get rid of my lower belly, bloat + inflammation.
I can not tell you how much better I feel this week putting a bathing suit on than I did last week. I’m breastfeeding so I didn’t follow the meal plan exactly so I’m pretty ecstatic about my results. I NEEDED this! It’s honestly fueled me to keep going!!!"

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debbie's 5 day results:
"I’m just blown away! 
Tears have flowed this morning
While this photo is so hard to look at! It brings up such anger + sadness. Feelings of hurt + neglect. Pushing myself aside and not loving myself.
I can sit here, wallow in the $hit + keep asking myself what the heck did you do to yourself!!
I can look at it and say, 
“Look at what you DID!!!!
- This is what happens when you reset your metabolism.
- This is what happens when you do timed nutrition.
- This is what happens when you have supplements that fuel your body!
- This is what happens when you have a program all laid out for you.
These are my 5 day results:
✔️ 8.7lbs gone
✔️ 9.1 inches gone
✔️ bloating and inflammation gone
✔️ sleeping like a baby
✔️ tons of energy
✔️ confidence and belief in myself
This program is a game changer! 
One that everyone needs to do!"

Type “5 DAY DROP” in the search bar.

This is for you if:
You want to jumpstart your body transformation goals.
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You'd like to:
  • Increase overall energy & alertness
  • Decrease ⇣ body fat & unwanted inches
  • Support lean muscle tissue
  • ​Decrease puffiness & bloat
  • ​Enhance a healthy glow in appearance
✔️ You'd also like to know how to finally lose stubborn fat and inches that keep sticking around, ugh so annoying...
✔️ You love the idea of knowing exactly what to do versus trying to figure everything out on your own, which doesn't work...
✔️ You know you're not currently operating to your max potential and you're ready to do something about it.

What makes this program different from anything you've ever tried?
When it comes to weight loss & fat loss, our society has overcomplicated the basics to the point that most people are paralyzed by where to start. I know I certainly have been..
What makes the 5-Day Drop guaranteed & predictable is that it's a return to simplicity.
We can do anything for 5-Days! We just need to know what to do right??
With this program, we remove all the guess work and show you exactly what to eat & when to help you lose weight.
You'll also have powerful nutritional support tools to help you during the 5-days with your energy, hydrations, minerals, & more
Along with a supportive community which is statistically proven to help a human go further and reach their goals!
100% of your investment goes into actual nutrition for your body 🎉
All of the coaching, accountability, nutrition guides are completely FREE!!

more results:
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Type “5 DAY DROP” in the search bar.
