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It's a wrap for the 2023 Summer Sketchbook Un-Slump! Thank you for motivating, encouraging, and inspiring me over the past 5 weeks! 
I hope you take some time to reflect on all that you've made with your imagination, heart, mind, and hands. 
If you are still working on the prompts, please continue doing so--take your time, I'm cheering you on!
Don't forget to visit the Community Photo Gallery to check out what everyone has been creating for the SSUS and our previous prompts. One of my favorite things about all of this is seeing the different and unique ways one prompt can be interpreted! 
The SSUS concludes our second and final 5 week intensive series! After this, I think we all deserve a little breather so from now through Sept. 7th, we are going on summer break! This means I won't be sending out prompt emails during this time and you can rest, catch up, or continue creating (I'm sharing some ideas below.) The next prompt email you will get is on Friday, Sept. 8th and we will resume our two week per prompt time frame.


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  • Create A Recap Post Share a recap on social media! (Vanesa does a great job of this! Here's an example.) Include all the pieces you created for the un-slump in a carousel post/video/collage image and share about what you created and your experience. (Don't forget to tag me so I can see :) @atiliay)
  • Revisit any ideas you had If there was a prompt that you had several ideas for, revisit and create them--it's also fun to go back to the earlier prompts and see if you have a different perspective or new ideas.
  • Combine prompts Put together 2 or more of the prompts and see what that inspires you to create!
  • Expand on your warm up mark If you did the warm up mark, go back and take a look at it. Consider using it in a new way such as cutting it out to use s a collage piece, adding more marks and colors to create a background, or turning it into a completed page.
  • Use this random word generator to come up with prompts This site will randomly generate different words for you and you can choose from noun, verb, sentence, etc. from the menu bar at the top
  • Use this color palette generator to decide what colors to use This is pretty fun! :) The colors above are some of the palettes I got.
  • You can download 100 prompts for free on my blog to use


I wanted to let you know I am opening up sign ups for the 2024 Creative Spark Newsletter Subscription now through the end of the year so you may see me sharing about it on social media and my regular newsletter but as a current member, there are a few things that are different for you! :)
  1. There is no rush or pressure for you to sign up! Feel free to decide at the end of the year if you'd like to renew your subscription. I'll also be giving away one subscription! You are automatically entered and I will randomly select and announce the winner in November.
  2. As a thank you for being a founding member of this newsletter, you are locked in at a lifetime price of $55/year. That means you don't need to enter any codes or worry about early bird sign up dates and even if the price increases in the future, this will always be your annual rate. The subscriptions will need to be renewed every year, so you don't need to worry about getting automatically charged. 
  3. Please use this private Founding Members link when renewing so you get the correct price. (I will be sending this out again in the future with the reminder to renew so don't worry about saving it.)
If you have any questions please let me know! 

I hope you enjoyed this year's un-slump! The SSUS is special to me because that's where this idea all began and it's where a lot of us first connected a year ago! :) I'm looking forward to picking things back up in September. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your month and summer! I hope they are filled with rest, fun, adventure, and inspiration!
Take care and talk to you soon!
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PS: During this break I hope to create more videos for my YouTube channel! I have SO many ideas for tutorials, creative meditations, and more. The next video I have planned (should be out this weekend) is a tutorial on how to make your own multi-layered self-portrait.

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