the harvest 
day 38
Hello First name / friend,
Continuing to support our Earth Luck through our Astrocartography + JUPITER. If you do not know how to locate your Jupiter lines, members can find the portal here or you can grab it a'la carte. It's supportive to visit these lines but you can also channel their energy though the culture, clothes, films, books, music, connection, art, etc… (more tips inside the portal).
Jupiter lines for most people (depending on your chart) are typically places where we feel really supported, things flow with more ease, we tap into synchronicity and flow with intention and awareness, and feel a bit lucky. Sometimes it can feel so good, that people need a little Saturn (discipline) or Mars (ambition) energy in their lives to balance it out. From inside The Collective: 
High vibes:
Jupiter is pretty much all about the good vibes.
success + luxury without much effort, daring to dream big
even education + resources from here can lead to prosperity in business
you are recognized for you ideas, fame
joy, optimism, really good luck and the energy of expansion.
a place of ease and wellness/vitality.
even investing in companies who’s home base is on your Jupiter line can bear fruit
Low vibes + considerations:
excess, health tends to be really supported on Jupiter unless you have health issues that have to do with overindulgence (like overweight)
could be contraindicated for someone who sees themself as self made or likes a challenge, overcoming obstacles
arrogance for self-centeredness
feeling like you have to “keep up with the Jones’s”
comparing yourself to others
Saturn, Mars
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
Save the Date: Final Closing Circle Friday 8/25 11am PDT.
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b