the harvest 
day 39
Hello First name / friend,
The final gate we'll discuss as part of the prosperity sequence is actually referred to as the The Harvest or The Pearl and it is your Conscious Jupiter. 
“The Pearl is in this sense a wormhole - but unlike most wormholes, it does not lead us to another dimension. This wormhole leads us home to our everyday life. It is here, now, in your everyday life where your harvest can be found. ” 
— Richard Rudd
When looking at your GATE - the Shadow here is about the ways in which we forget what is really important. This Shadow also carries tightness as this is a state that is created when we forget to love ourselves, when we lead with stress rather than hunting for beauty, when we compromise our dreams for societal conditioning + comparisons.
The Gift here is about inner seeing. It is the gift that lies behind the awareness around the events that shape our lives. It is not some transcendent idea but lucidity grounded in the ordinary. Rudd compares it to the warm hearth at the heart of a home - not distinctly mental, physical or emotional but including all three. It is pure awareness.
It is the energy in your chart of Quantum Leaps, a space to silence your mind and move beyond time.
“Each of the 6 lines can release a miracle or series of miracles in to your life as a response to your devoted service to the whole. As you contemplate these lines, you might therefore like to open yourself up to the miraculous. ”  — Richard Rudd
Line 1
Key characteristics: simplicity, the freedom to create
Line 2
Key characteristics: recognition, effortlessness + receptivity
Line 3
Key characteristics: celebration, entertaining + being entertained, big personalities.
Line 4
Key characteristics: charity, helping others, giving back.
Line 5
Key characteristics: wielding power, compassionate action + responsibility to impact positive change.
Line 6
Key characteristics: a relationship to nature + the natural cycles of creation + destruction, acceptance of what is while still knowing there is work to be done, VISION.
Members dive deeper here in Being Bounteous + read about your Gate in relationship to this energy here or in your resonant sources. 
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
Save the Date: Final Closing Circle Friday 8/25 11am PDT.
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b