Overwhelm is data.
And if you're human, you likely have your share of data.
You might find yourself sitting in that overwhelm, especially during transitions, leading to:
and giving energy to anticipation of the next pending problem.
“No one is more influential in your life than you are because no one talks to you more than you do.” -paul david tripp
What if we leveraged the data of overwhelm? Espeically the conversations that simmer in our heads.
Leverage the data to fuel action rather settle for stuck when we invite overwhelm to take root in our minds and inevitably flow out to others?
Where to Start?
Experiment with a quick strategy that takes what's swirling in your head to paper so you can process the data and prioritize next steps.
1] Write down everything that comes to mind that needs clarifying. That you desire clarity on. Don't over-script it or judge, just drop it out. Allow your mind the freedom to flow between work and home topics because it's all life. When we are overwhelmed, our minds don't differentiate between home and the office…it's often a mixed reel of both that influences how we show up at home and work.
2] Look at your list and ask yourself who [including yourself] might you need to have a clarifying conversation with?
If you need clarification or are confused, likely there are others too. Click here for a Conversation Guide that can help with preparing for a conversation. We didn't learn this stuff in school and yet it is core to relationship wellbeing in every space of our lives.
3] Create margin for the conversation and get it on the calendar.
For lots of reasons we might avoid the conversations that could offer clarification. We waste energy on assumptions and storylines that may not be accurate. We might avoid even taking time alone to process decisions we need to make, that could offer clarity and next steps. Fear, shame, feeling ill-equipped or simply the culture of hurry can be barriers to creating clarity.
REPEAT WHEN OVERWHELM EMERGES: This is a strategic practice [not a one and done] to grow resilience; nurture the strength and stability to lead AND live with greater intention and less stress. Leverage the data!
What's the Benefit in the Practice?
When you get [and give] clarity on a role, expectations, decisions, direction, or a comment, you [and those you lead] have more:
and ability to surface innovate solutions vs simply anticipate pending problems or settle into an exhausting game of wack-a-mole.
Intentionally seeking clarity means
less energy given to confusion and more energy given to…
[what you want to grow more of]
You're not alone and you don't have to figure it out on your own.
Clients say even one coaching conversation or consult can offer the strategies and confidence to create a clarifying conversation.
Let's connect and explore what your unique pathway towards more capacity, clarity and connection might look like and result in!
Grateful for recent feedback dropped our way…
“Our agency has been thankful to work with Sandy Anderson to become a leadership team that recognizes, respects and leverages each other's strengths.
Thank you Sandy!” -nonprofit community organization
Sandy is a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach & Organizational Consultant with over twenty-five years experience of creating conversations and designing environments that transform from the inside out. The result is increased capacity to do your work, clarity in how your work is done, and connection to why your work matters; authentic connection those you work beside.
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