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Everything changed for me in my work when I launched Your Simple & Spacious Business in April 2022.
I created a container where I could download my brain, serve more people in a more spacious way, and reduce my client workload so that I could bring more ease and flexibility into my schedule each week.
YS&SB has been one of my favourite and most fulfilling projects I’ve ever brought to life in my business.
We’ve built such a beautiful, supportive, and calm community together inside where we cheer each other on and walk with each other through the human and practical sides of entrepreneurship too.
Inside there’s a library of monthly coaching sessions where I download my brain into self-guided mini workshops that walk you through topics such as client and customer boundaries, navigating doubt and disheartenment in business, pricing our services and offerings with intention, the simple and spacious approach to marketing and so much more.
I also host twice-monthly office hours where I can give personalised guidance and support, quarterly live planning calls where we root into clarity and intention together throughout the year, a vault of 10+ courses and digital products to dive into whenever they can support you in your business, a private weekly podcast where I share the behind the scenes of my own business, plus a supportive and relaxed community of fellow business owners choosing a gentler, simpler, more human approach to business.
And my favourite part? It’s lifetime pricing - meaning you pay for just one years access and then continue to get access to all of the guidance and support inside at no extra cost meaning YS&SB gets to feel like the business investment that keeps on supporting you long after you’ve joined us inside.
Like I said, I adore delivering this program and a big part of doing so is opening the doors for enrolment 2-3 times a year so that I can welcome some awesome new humans to come inside and join us.
And as you can probably relate if you’ve launched anything in your business: it can feel like a lot.
There’s the pre-marketing, the early-bird windows, the launch emails, the showing up on social media and answering questions via email and DMs and sharing over and over again the beautiful invitation of whatever we’re selling in that launch.
I’ve done four live launches of YS&SB so far - for the first launch I shared all of the behind the scenes in the months leading up to opening the doors for the first time of how I went from idea, to creation, to a 30K launch (you can dive into all of those behind the scenes videos this way if you’re curious).
For the second launch in the autumn of 2022 I created a deep dive video sharing how I radically reshaped my business for more ease, freedom, and intentional growth last year and shared a sneak peak of a coaching session leading up to the enrolment too. I also shared a blog post and video with my planning for this second enrolment here if you'd love those behind the scenes.
For the third launch at the start of this year I kept things much simpler as I didn’t have tons of capacity for a big pre-marketing push and I just shared some sneak peaks and I did a free office hour in the lead-up and this was a slightly slower launch - it was still awesome to welcome some awesome new humans inside and generate new cashflow but it did show me how impactful it was to do more pre-marketing in the lead up for the first two enrolments.
And then for the fourth launch in the spring of this year I did more pre-marketing again, specifically with The Deep Dive Kit that I created and I also did a bigger push on social media for this enrolment as many happy members shared video testimonials throughout the launch which gave me more content to share on social too.
And as I was preparing for this upcoming autumn enrolment my plan was to do a big pre-marketing push again as I know how much a difference it can make in supporting my launches to thrive - I had an awesome new in-depth resource that I wanted to create and drip out over a six week window to share with you the kind of guidance and support you can expect inside and also share some sneak peaks of how supportive this program is with you too.
But as I shared in last week’s newsletter I’ve been really having to take things slow recently as I navigate a challenging flare of my chronic illness and as I was finalising my pre-marketing plan for this upcoming enrolment I realised that pushing myself to stick to my original plan with this new big resource was just not going to honour the pace I want and need to be at in my business right now.
And at first I panicked a little - what will I do instead? And will a lighter pre-marketing plan be enough? Am I setting myself up to fail with this launch?
But the truth I’ve learned over and over again in my business is that growth and results are never truly worth it to me if I have to sacrifice my humanness in the process to achieve them - and that the consequences are usually pretty disruptive on the other side if I do.
So I had to come home to one of the deepest truths I know in my business: it’s okay to give my version of good enough in this season.
Because YS&SB is incredible, I know this deep in my gut (and the many, many testimonials say it so much better than I ever could too).
It’s deeply supportive, filled with guidance, frameworks, modules and resources to navigate at your own pace, plus hands-on support from me through the office hours and community too. 
And it’s wildly valuable too with the lifetime pricing and with accessibility built into the pricing model too as I’ve been experimenting with a sliding scale structure during the previous enrolment and this upcoming one too.
And burning myself out through this launch goes against the very heart of this program, which is all about building and running our business with ease, simplicity, and freedom at the heart of everything that we do.
So I stripped it all back.
Instead of this big, time-intensive resource that I wanted to create I’m instead simplifying things and I'm going to share some other behind the scenes with you over the next few weeks, some sneak peaks of the awesome resources and support you can expect inside, and some ideas and lessons I’ve learned along the way about building and running a simple, spacious, and thriving business that honours our humanness every step of the way too.
There’s still a whole lot of value coming your way in this pre-marketing window before I open the doors again in October but it’s going to be a lot simpler and more sustainable for me to create and share with you over the next few weeks to come.
Will I do bigger, flashier pre-marketing windows again for future YS&SB enrolments? Hell yes I will - when energy and capacity allows me to.
But for this upcoming launch I need to keep things simpler, lighter, and more digestible for me and I’m trusting that is more than good enough to help make it easy for anyone who wants to join us inside during this upcoming enrolment to discover if YS&SB is a hell yes for you right now.
And I’m sharing all of this with you today to say: it’s okay if you need to simplify your plans sometimes to make them actually work best for you.
Whether it’s a launch, a new project you’re bringing to life, or an existing project you’re chipping away at in this season - burning ourselves out in the pursuit of our goals is never a sustainable way to steer the ship that is our business.
The best we can give gets to be good enough in our work.
Growth is allowed to be slow, steady, and sustainable instead of flashy and fast if that’s not what works best for us in this season.
And we get to prioritise enjoying the journey and honouring our humanness as much as we devote our time and energy to intentionally pursuing our business goals too.
I’m really excited to share what’s coming over the next few weeks with you and my hope is that whether or not you decide to join us inside YS&SB for this enrolment (and a heads up that spaces will be limited to keep the community an intimate and gentle space + there's an awesome early-bird 1:1 bonus too if you want to join the waitlist!) there will be some upcoming content that can be supportive and encouraging for you in your business journey right now.
And, more than anything, this is my encouragement to move forward in your business towards your goals at whatever pace actually works best for you -  because nothing will derail our business more than burning ourselves out in the process of making our goals our reality. 
And I'm right here always, rooting for you every step of the way!

With love, Jen