Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your September energetic update!
We enter September a little sleepy but then the energy wakes up big time the second half of the month! So take advantage of the introspection and reassessment time that we kick off in-- because it's take action time soon!
We start the month in Virgo Season which brings in detailed work, great integrity and the ability to up-level to reach potentials…one step at a time. We will all find ourselves wanting to get more organized. Set yourself up by tackling things little by little rather than getting caught up on giant leaps of perfection. With mercury retro in Virgo as well - so much from past actions can get finalized. 
We flow into Libra Season on the 22nd, the Fall Equinox. Libra Season offers us the opportunity to recalibrate, find balance and make time for relationships after all the diligent work that Virgo Season had us doing. The Fall Equinox, and any changing of seasons, always marks a time to reflect back at the previous seasons. Summer Solstice was on June 21st and Spring Equinox March 20th. What have you accomplished since then? Give yourself some cred!! What is lingering that you intended to give energy to but didn't prioritize? Time to make it happen. 
Key dates : 
9/3 - Venus Retrograde ENDS!  Wow. Venus retro really did shake up relationships ay? Hopefully it provided insights into your relationships with others but mainly your relationship to worthiness. It offered a chance to look at and challenge beliefs around love and deservedness. Congrats on moving through the things that likely triggered insecurities and self doubts so that you could heal. 
9/4 - Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus until 12/31 Jupiter rules over abundance, success and expansion. It's a chance to reflect on our beliefs, spiritual connection and big picture goals. It asks us to think bigger for our lives and to get out of our immediate lived experience to experience something greater! We can do this by taking on a new study, sharing our wisdom in a new way, traveling or taking leaps of faith! Wherever it is turning retrograde in your chart (15 degrees of Taurus for my peeps that know how to check this) can have a turn in direction of fate - for better or worse-- but mostly better as Jupiter is like a big hug and likes to create opportunity and optimism. It can expand issues only to make us aware so that we can grow.
9/14 - New Moon in Virgo 21 degrees. This new moon is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts in areas related to your health, daily routines, and work habits. This can be a period when you're more motivated to implement healthier lifestyle choices, start new exercise regimens, or establish efficient routines. It's a time to set intentions for improving your work environment, taking better care of your physical well-being, and organizing your daily tasks. It is trine to Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto…WOW! This is a change maker of a new moon! Surprising turn of events! I mentioned how the 2nd half of the month turns on the oomph-- here's where it starts.
9/15 - Mercury Retrograde ENDS - All systems go!! You are probably way more organized and prepared now than you were 4 weeks ago- in one or multiple areas of life! Hopefully you did some things that were lingering and holding you back so that you can blaze forward now.  Two days after Mercury goes direct, on 9/17 (at 8 degrees Virgo), it also becomes visible in the sky in it's “exalted” aka best sign. This is very powerful! Expect good things. This is also an ideal time to launch things.
9/22 Sun enters Libra - Happy Libra Season! Mars is also in Libra now until Oct 12th. We may be indecisive and falling into people pleasing tendencies at the worst-- but at the best we are really feeling like we have a nice handle on life. Check in and see if you are depositing as much as you are withdrawing from your relationships. It's pumpkin flavored everything time!
9/29 - Full Moon in Aries 6 degrees / Mercury shadow over - This full moon can bring attention to your personal relationships, emotions, and how you express yourself to others. Are you able to be an individual within your relationships? Do other people or their projections hold you back? Time to cut out the noise and listen to your gut!
Mercury and Venus going direct this month = a lot of integrating happening!
September is a Universal 7 Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, September is also a 7 month. Double 7s! A 7 month is all about introspection, spirituality, analysis, and wisdom. This mystical month encourages us to explore inner truths. Some big life lessons may emerge this month! How is your relationship to your inner world? Your creativity? When we feel more in touch with ourselves and are more clear with our needs, we can align our outer worlds better to fit those needs. And then we FLOW!
This month our intuition and inner wisdom might be particularly heightened, so we need to pay attention to our gut feelings. Don't dismiss signs, symbols or synchronicities - they're meaningful messages. In essence, the seventh month in numerology encourages a balance between external activities and inner contemplation. It's a time to gain wisdom, grow spiritually, and delve into subjects that intrigue you on a deeper level. 
It's spiritual alignment time!
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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The card of the month is The Zaddy card…. I meaaaann The Emperor. This is the divine masculine card. It speaks of stability and structure. When this card shows up it means that concentration, structure, stability and focus is required if we want to make our ideas and dreams a reality. 
Having Mercury and Venus retrograding for a while, we had to reflect, reorganize and be more creative and intuitive rather than logical (all feminine / yin energies). As they station direct this month-- it's time we take all of that rearranging and recalibrating we did and take action with it, in it's new form. Life is all about balancing being in states of rest (yin) and states of action (yang). The Emperor card signals that it's action time!
Questions this card brings up :
How can I create more security and structure in my life? 
Do I feel like I have strong male figures in my life? If not, how can I be or bring that energy in? 
How could I take responsibility in my life more?
How can I be more disciplined this month?

Compatibility in Astrology Workshop - Synastry is the art of compatibility in Astrology. Synastry is the layering and comparison between the charts of two people in order to determine their likely compatibility and relationship ease. You can do comatibility readings with anyone - partners, friends, biz partners, bosses, family! Get tickets and details here! (free for Astro Curious members)
Book a Reading - Life is so unpredictable for me at the moment that I have to release dates on a week by week basis. So, if you are looking to get in, keep an eye out on the booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops then this is for you! It is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE  Workshops included inside of Astro Curious : Chiron, North/South Node, Progressed Moon, Angles of the Birth Chart - coming up - Synastry (compatibility) in astrology

On a personal note : 
Tbh, I am kind of phoning it in this newsletter as I have been busy working on a project that requires a lot of writing. The creative project is for 2024 and is proving to be a lot of work- my ass thought it was going to be quick and easy. It's hard to put in a ton of work on something so far in advance and have no clue if it will be well received when the time comes. But hey, gotta follow those callings regardless. It feels like it is meant to be in this world and is a part of my purpose. I am creating it during my nodal return after all. Anywho, with all the content I am in the midst of, it's hard to pivot into newsletter mode. 
I will share that as I am writing this my WHOLE BODY is extremely sore--even my fingers, y'all! I had my first softball game yesterday and let's just say that my 37yr old body is not cut out for the agility and sprinting that is required lol. I haven't played in like 15yrs but that muscle memory had me throwing the ball far as hell anyways. Also, it's hilarious how most of the people on the team are in their 20s and like to party. I was hoping to find friends my age but instead I found a hangover. It is still really fun and I enjoyed letting my inner “bro” out… those that know me, know I have a dude-bro trapped inside of me. It was like a retrograde flashback to my 20s in Chicago. We shall see how the rest of the season plays out. Pray for no injuries for me!
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Have a lovely month ahead,
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