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The more sugar you eat, the more you crave it!
We all know that when we have a craving, it’s extremely hard to overcome. That’s because your brain is craving what it always has for survival and that’s usually fat and sugar. However, you won’t find fat and sugar combined in nature so this is where it gets messy. The diet industry is making billions by creating highly processed foods that are a combination of fat and sugar. And society today just can’t get enough…
What I want you to understand today is that AWARENESS is the first step toward tackling these cravings. When you’re aware of which foods trigger you, you at least have a fighting chance. 💪
Although it is impossible to avoid all sugars, you can make some swaps to avoid eating as much sugar! See some of my favorite swaps below!
A few swaps:
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We’ve talked about swaps before, but it is important to remember some simple things you can switch out can really add up in the long run. Just switching out your favorite sugary drink for sparkling water can make such an impact.
Have questions? Reply to this email!
Podcast Corner
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How To Break Your Sugar Addiction and Improve Your Overall Health
Dr. Mark Hyman is a wealth of knowledge. Check out this podcast!

How to kick your sugar cravings:
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Sometimes you get a craving that you just can’t kick. The best thing you can do when you get a craving is to stop and think about it first.
Are you really craving this?
Is this something that you don’t think you can shake?
Can you make a swap that will help fuel your body better?

If you can’t shake this craving and it continues to consume you, have a single serving size of what you are craving and then wait 15 minutes. You probably will have satisfied your craving and avoided a huge binge if you had continued to ignore it!
Another tip is to prioritize protein and make sure you are eating enough food in general. When we under eat or are on a blood sugar roller coaster we crave sugar and carbs. Prioritizing protein will help you feel full and satiated and ward off those cravings!
Sugar Conscious Recipes
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How to Start Cutting Back on
Sugar in Just 7 Days

We have done sugar elimination challenges in the past, but if you feel like you need a little extra boost to reduce your sugar intake, read this article!
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This Week in the Faster Way!
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Talk soon! 

xo,  Aubree
