fall 2023
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It is conceivably that the best season is Autumn. The way the color changes from bright greens, blues, and pinks, to the muted yellows, oranges, and reds. The way the light changes from the bright, hot, and enveloping presence; to a soft brushstroke that makes the world shine like gold.  It is also a season of change and transformation. It is one of the few times that a person can not deny that the mesmerizing display of transformation is nothing shorter than perfection. Transformation is something that we see a lot here at Hoshall’s. It is something that we specialize in.  Sometimes, it is a clean and obvious change, like the color of the leaves going from green to gold, or a haircut going from long and layered to a short french bob. Sometimes the transformation is something more subtle; from a guest that came for a massage, worried and tired, but is leaving peaceful and settled. And sometimes, the transformation is something you feel. It is something that touched your soul, and in return it shines upon ours. 
mary & kat
Starting October 2023,
join us in congratulating Kenzie for her promotion to Senior International.
Kenzie has achieved this recognition through her outstanding abilities in hair design and his commitment to his profession and clients. 
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