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Quote of the Week
Treat people right. Appreciate them, encourage them, support them and make them feel like they matter (because they do). Do this at home, at work, at school, at the store, etc. Do this with people you know and people you don't. Try your best every day to make someone else's day. - Jon Gordon @JonGordon11
Before You Can Lead - Get 4 F's Right
There are four F's you better have down pat if you are going to lead your team, organization, or family the right way. You have to be right with your Faith, Family, Fitness, and Fuel.
Faith - being in the right place with God is important. If you aren't right in your relationship with your Lord and Savior, things will be all out of whack. Finding spiritual rhythms with your prayer time, devotions, and relationships/small groups with other believers is imperative. When I look back on my career as a coach, when I've been at my best is when I've been my best in my relationship with God.
Family - You gotta be right at home. You have to give your best for your wife, your kids, and for all of your extended family before you can give everything to your team. We've all heard that a hundred years from now it will not matter how much money was in in our bank account; the sort of house we lived in; or the kind of care we drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child. Well, there are no more important children in the world than your own. My wife has been tremendous over the years in reminding me that while it is important to be there for my players and do things for them, the most important team that I will ever coach is the one at home.
Fitness - Now I'm not saying you have to go and join the nearest CrossFit gym. I love to work out, it's my stress reliever. For me, there is nothing better than throwing around some big heavy weights! What I'm talking about here is you need to have something you can go to in order to work out the stress. Maybe it's a walk or maybe it is joining a gym, but you need to find something you can dedicate yourself to for at least 10-20 minutes a day to refresh your mind and re-energize your body. Anything beyond that is personal preference.
Fuel - You have to be mindful of the things that you put into your body and I'm not just talking about food and drink here, I'm also talking about the things we read and watch. Making sure we eat healthy and avoid excessive consumption of alcohol is important to being our best for our families and our teams, but making sure that we are fueling our minds with the right kind of books, articles, and television is important to our growth. Sure, I like a good episode of The Office, but we have to be careful about the quality of the fuel we are putting in our mind and body.
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Bill Walsh on Teamwork
Bill Walsh is regarded as one of the greatest coaches in NFL history. When Walsh took over the 49ers in 1979, he implemented three steps that led to great teamwork.
1. He established performance standards for every individual in the organization. You cannot begin to help others until you do your own job without needing help from somebody else.
2. He established an environment where everyone was working at improving their performance, irrespective of their position. In his excellent book with Steve Jamison and Craig Walsh, The Score Takes Care of Itself, Walsh gave this example:
"Our groundskeepers raised their level of play to a point where Candlestick Park’s football field was increasingly among those in the best shape of any natural surface in the NFL, despite its proximity to San Francisco Bay, which produced a soggy subsoil and a mushy topsoil, and the effects of our winter rainy season. They often succeeded despite having these tremendous obstacles to overcome."
3. He made sure everybody treated each other with respect. Coach Walsh described it this way:
"I would tolerate no caste systems, no assumption of superiority by any coaches, players, or other personnel. Regardless of the size of an employee’s check or the requirements of his or her job, I made it clear that he or she was 100 percent a member of our team, whether he or she was a superstar or secretary, black or white, manager or maintenance man.
In keeping with this philosophy, I forbade the traditional hazing of rookies and walk-ons—making them the butt of humiliation or physical punishment. Scouts, usually considered outliers, were treated right by us. They came to feel like real members of our organization, rather than pizza delivery boys who showed up with hot tips about players."
Does everybody feel they are an important part of your team?

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Drill of the Week
This is a great drill to utilize with younger players in your program. This past week I went in to the gym with my son, Griffyn, and we did this drill as part of our workout.  CLICK HERE TO SEE THE DIAMOND DRILL
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As coaches we are always looking to sharpen our axes. If you are like me and you love to read, but struggle to find the time to make it through an entire 200+ page book on personal development, look no further. I've been using Shortform recently and I love how it condenses materials and gives me a breakdown and summary of the chapters. Shortform also has exercises that accompany the materials to allow you an opportunity to test your knowledge and help retain the information. 
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Shooters shoot and they do it the right way with extreme repetition. There is simply no better way to get that repetition and track your progress than to utilize the best shooting machine in the industry. If you are looking to purchase a new shooting machine for your program or goal at home, look no further to get the best deal on America's Best Shooting Machine! Whether you are looking for a new machine or you are trading in existing equipment, e-mail me at for the best pricing you will find anywhere.
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Play of the Week
Who isn't looking for a great OBS to add to their bag of tricks. I love this one that I got from Finland and United Basketball on Twitter. They ran this Zipper Handback Flare on an OBS for a basket. This is great action on an OBS utilizing “Zipper” action and a flare screen. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PLAY OF THE WEEK!
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Ready to access thousands of courses to sharpen your ax as a coach, then now is the time to hop on Coach Tube. CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS!
We would love to have you join us on a 31-Day Journey to become a more faithful and successful coach. This book is great for coaches, huddle leaders, and those in the FCA ministry field. It gives you great direction and helps you to set daily goals, that will develop into habits, to help you grow your team and make you more intentional in your purpose as a coach.
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