Last week I barely left my house.
I picked up groceries at 8pm and walked my two-road neighborhood at dusk with my dog.
I drove to the school and back to drop my daughter off for her first 3 mornings of second grade.
And once more when she forgot her show-and-tell bag.
I've noticed the crunch of leaves under my feet and remember this quote from
Cold Tangerines about autumn and the audacity of joy -
“There’s no reason they need to turn electric bright red before they fall - but they do. I want to live a life like that.”
I often set Aaron in a little bouncer on the kitchen floor while I spread peanut butter on things and reheat coffee.
Somewhere along the way someone threw a beanie-baby walrus on top of him and now it’s his favorite.
The way he stretches when I unzip him from his swaddle after a nap is my favorite.
We found a bat in our air vent and that was a whole thing. But no one has rabies and the dreams about it are starting to fade so #wins.
Instead, I can’t stop daydreaming about starting a podcast even though I don’t know who would listen or when it would get made so for now I’m sitting on it like a jack-in-the-box that keeps trying to pop open.
The idea has fluttered to me several times over several years. I tell it I’m not ready to play today. Come back later. This time, I’m entertaining it with a running list of questions and sketching titles of topics on a back page of my journal.