we see you
Sometimes it's just about being seen.
I'm part of a community that is hosted by someone I consider a mentor. It's similar to what I'm trying to create with our 365 space in that it's a place for members to come together and share in the journey of personal development and self-actualization. After sharing an update in the form of a comment on a group post and having my mentor acknowledge my sharing, I realized how much I value simply BEING SEEN.
There is value in the sharing of experience, especially among individuals with similar aspirations and goals, like TRIO/McNair students. There is value in sharing the process of pursuing higher education and figuring out how we take care along the way. The journey will be hard, but hopefully, one filled with great beauty and reward.
We're here to bear witness to YOUR JOURNEY and your experiences. We're here to support you as you build key habits, try new things, grow your confidence as an individual with so much to contribute.
Our 365 space is special in that it's filled with TRIO/McNair students intent on furthering their education and aspiring upwards. We're here to hold space for your journey and make sure you are building a strong foundation as you go.
We want to encourage you to set an intention for your week. Check in with yourself and with us. Practice being grateful for each experience you encounter, even the challenging ones. It's really about helping each other become more mindful and discover what it means to be well, and possibly even, thrive.
This is why I routinely invite you to log into our 365 space and check in. Let us know how you're doing, how your classes are going, what you're doing to support your well-being.
Your presence is highly valued and when you share, you are certain to inspire a fellow TRIO/McNair student who might just need exactly what you have to share today.
The beauty is in the seeing. I invite you to let yourself be seen. We're here. For all of it. ✨
There's still time to join me for Our Daily Breathe and learn how to cultivate more calm + focus in your busy semester. CLICK HERE TO JOIN! The experience begins September 10th. All you need to do is show up for yourself by dedicating ten minutes of your day.

Looking forward to a semester of calm + focus,

Download the Mighty Networks app
Log into our 365 Mindful Days community by using the Mighty Networks app. 
Makes checking in super easy and quick!
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