Hello, and welcome to the August 2023 Newsletter.

Thanks, everyone, for subscribing to and reading my monthly newsletters. If you're new or missed any editions, you can always catch up by visiting the Archive Page.

What's New With Us
August saw us get off the dock in Campbell River after our months moorage expired. First we took the boat over to Lund and I water taxied back to CR to grab the truck and trailer and bring them over to a storage yard near Lund. Then we were off! We moved about the Discovery Islands anchoring in many beautiful bays and coves.
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Our vintage CHB trawler has performed well for us so far. The engine seems to run good and the boat is quite fuel efficient. Anne calculates we are burning about 1.6 gallons of diesel per hour of use. There is a bit of smoke on a cold starts and some leaks here and there after a run but to be expected on a 1976 vintage diesel I imagine. Its basically a marinized tractor engine. Simple and dependable.
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Look in the recent posts below for my videos of our August travels. A look at our stopovers and what we got up at each location. 
Passing through “Hole in the Wall” Channel
A narrow passage between Sonora and Maurelle Islands, Hole in the Wall, is the site of extremely powerful tidal currents and whirlpools.
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Also check out Anne's photography website for her videos and blog. She just published a very cool video for Charles Bay in Blind Channel containing both overhead drone and underwater camera footage. 
Mods & Upgrades
You'll find a selection of new mods/upgrades I've been doing in my spare time. I rewired the starter battery bank, installed EZ Snap window shade screens, engine monitoring cameras, and a Yuma CIGS flexible solar panel. Just like with RVing there is always something to do on the boat.
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Tomorrow we head back to Lund Marina for a night or two. We want to check on the truck and trailer and drive into Powell River to restock up. Getting household supplies and groceries in these small little island villages and marinas is extremely expensive. So by driving the ½ hour into Powell River and back we can hit a regular supermarket and stock up saving money. 
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Also it will give the truck a run. I don't like to let it sit too long. Once restocked we'll shove off the dock again for several more weeks. We are really looking forward to September boating as many of the summer crowds will have dissipated. 
I find September is one of my favorite months to RV. I'm sure it will be the same for the boat. Weather can get a bit more rainy and there is a chill in the morning. But will still enjoy some warm sunny days I'm sure.  Plans are to explore the area in and around Desolation Sound and maybe down the Sunshine Coast a bit. Stay tuned..
Image of the Month
Sail boat passing through Blind Channel. Viewed from Charles Bay
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Website/App of the Month
Great website for learning to tie knots. I bought their app for my phone so I could learn all the boating knots and have it handy off line.  It's a paid app but does a good job of showing how to tie the knot. The knots aren't just boating but include many others for fishing, camping and around the house.
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(Note: I'm not affiliated with this website in any way - Ray)
Funny of the Month
Some of the interesting art work inside the Boater's Driftwood Museum 
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Thanks for taking time out of your day to check out the LYRV & now Boat! newsletter.
Much appreciated
Cheers, Ray
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“Less than a month ago, all of August still stretched before us – long and golden and reassuring, like an endless period of delicious sleep.” ― Lauren Oliver