Good afternoon - Lynn here. 🤗
Popping in to say hi and share this week's energy 💫 tip for your week ahead:
Fall doesn’t officially begin for a few weeks but, I’m feeling major “Back to School” vibes that feel like Fall. I’m an empty nester so my household isn’t going back to school but the energy in the air vibrates like a fresh start for something new.
Fall doesn’t officially begin until the Autumn Equinox on September 23rd, but we’re one week into Virgo season so that naturally feels like a time to clear mental and physical clutter from our energetic space.
It’s a welcome window in time to reset.
Virgo season runs from 8/23 - 9/22 so you may feel the urge to get more organized with your daily schedule, find new ways to be more efficient, and lean into resetting some of your wellness routines.
Virgo here 🙋🏽‍♀️ so I’m loving the energy this month!
My daughter Hilary knows all the tendencies of Virgos well, especially the less desirable ones, since my husband and I both share the same sign.
She has often jokingly said to her friends, “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be raised in a double Virgo household? It’s a bigger crime to leave a dirty dish in the sink than to skip school.” 😂
Kidding aside, Virgo season is a beautiful time to come back to ourselves and get down to Earth.
It’s a great opportunity to look closely at our routines, commitments, and goals.
A time to ask yourself, what habits are working well and what habits could use a tune-up?
A time to honestly look at the parts of your life that aren’t bringing you joy and fulfillment.
In Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, she encourages people to evaluate their belongings and keep only those things that “spark joy”.
She suggests letting go of the things that no longer serve a purpose or bring happiness to your life.
"The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don't.”
Everything we have or do has an energy that either uplifts you, supports your soul's growth, or weighs you down and causes interference.
Higher energies constantly seek to enter your life, but if old, stagnant energy lingers, it could prevent something lighter from coming in.
When we clear our energetic space within and around us, it provides more space to think clearly, calmly, and openly.
It lets your super magical intuition come online much easier.
With too much mental clutter, our inner GPS has trouble making a clear connection. Stagnant energy acts like static that prevents a clear connection to our higher guidance.
Mental clutter interferes with our divine access.
It’s the difference between trying to access your favorite website with the old AOL dial up phone line vs. super-fast direct connect 5G.
The contrast in connection is huge.
The act of decluttering your physical and mental space can declutter your spiritual self to create a clearer and calmer life experience.
Space that can be used for bigger and better things in your life.
"The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.”
This week’s energy tip: let’s consciously release what no longer benefits us.
The holidays will be here before we know it so let’s lean into organizing and planning to end the year on an upswing.
Who knows you may suddenly feel a surge of energy to get to some of those projects that you’ve been putting off for months.
Or maybe you’ll find more time to learn how to play a new instrument or start a creative hobby.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up does a beautiful job of capturing the philosophy of decluttering your energetic space to lead a more intentional and joyful life. 📕 link below if you want to have a look see ⬇️
Here are a few more of my favorite quotes from the book:
"Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest."
"The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life."
"The most important thing in life is to be true to yourself. A home that just exists with unused items is not a true reflection of you. Your real personality and tastes are there, waiting to be discovered.”
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to you!!
p.s.  Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend.
You rock!



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