Are you like me in thinking
September came awfully fast?
Holy moly, First name / friend!
I have a question for you, but you don't need to give me the answer to it. The answer is for you… to help you put some intention into the month of September.
What have you been putting off in your business? (That's the question).
I'll give you my discovery (aka oopsie moment), and perhaps that will help you come up with yours.
As I've been going through my job search, I've been feeling pretty confident with what I'm putting out there. (Although, I can't lie, when I see that there are already 300+ applicants for a position, it's not a “super” great feeling). Still, I'm very dedicated to putting my very best foot forward on every single application.
This week, however, I had a slap my forehead moment which lead me to let out a big heavy sigh, feel disappointed in myself, and make me wonder if I should “even” apply for the position that “caused” that moment.
But it was my fault, I really wanted the job, AND… it was something I should have already taken care of in my BUSINESS!
(Thus the forehead slap and today's message).