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September Prompt 1
Welcome back from our summer break! :)
The first prompt for this month is…
Hello, it's been awhile! :) I hope you had a nice break and enjoyed the rest of your August and start of September. It feels very nice writing to you again!
I wanted us to start things back up with ease and slowness and without stress or pressure. As summer wraps up and we head into the back to school and fall season, there can be so much hustle and bustle and busy-ness that the days feel like they are flying right by. Our creative practice can be a tool to help us slow down, get centered, relax and recharge.
We are now back on our 2 week schedule and I also hope that helps give you more time and space to breathe, think, and create. Below are some ideas to help you get started.

How can we incorporate ease into our pieces and our practice?
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  • What feels easy for you? Maybe it's mixing colors, making marks, using a particular brush, creating landscapes, or drawing flowers. We don't always have to be pushing and challenging ourselves. Take a technique, tool, or medium that feels easy and get lost in the joy of creating with it. And if you are only able to get a few marks in a day or create a quick painting or sketch, that's OK, do what's easy for you and your schedule.
  • What feels difficult for you? Is there a way to break it down into something easier to handle by simplifying the steps, the subject, or allowing more time for the process?
  • I love the easy flowing laid back vibe of Corinne Bailey Rae's Go Put Your Records On--it inspired the image for today's newsletter :) Listening to records also reminds me of ease and slowness, taking time to stop and enjoy the music. Put on a relaxed playlist, grab some supplies, and let the music inspire your page.
  • Live in the current season. I really enjoyed this reel that Archna sent to me and being easy with the way we experience time and nature: We feel the need to be in the next season, but because nature isn’t ready yet, we have to buy things to make our space FEEL like ‘fall’. Can’t we just enjoy our flowers and tomatoes and sunshine and enjoy the fall when it comes?” Reflect on this idea, what season it feels like for you (maybe you're savoring the last bits of summer, maybe you're ready for fall!), and express that onto your page.
  • Other words for ease: simple, uncomplicated, manageable.
  • Better Aligning My Intentions To Create More Space & Ease In My Creative Practice, a post by artist Lauren Sauder.
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Some easy tutorials to try:

“Breath by breath, let go of fear, expectation, anger, regret, cravings, frustration, fatigue. Let go of the need for approval. Let go of old judgments and opinions. Die to all that, and fly free. Soar in the freedom of desirelessness. Let go. Let Be. See through everything and be free, complete, luminous, at home — at ease.”
Surya Das
Wishing you ease and flow in the days ahead and I'm looking forward to seeing what you create! Talk to you soon, 
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