Good afternoon - Lynn here. 🤗
Popping in to wish you a lovely and peaceful Sunday evening and share this week's energy 💫 tip for your week ahead. 
A short and simple energy relaxation tool just for you!  ❤️❤️❤️
Life has its fair share of ups and downs, and sometimes we just need some fast relief. When stressful situations pop up and leave your energy drained, here's a quick, easy-to-do technique that will help you relax and regain your peace – no medication required!
Introducing the Tongue Relaxation Exercise – The Secret to Instant Calm
The Tongue Relaxation Exercise is a convenient method designed to help you unwind in tense moments. Best of all, it can be practiced anywhere, anytime.
Our nervous system regulates all the major organs in our body, which is why stress can lead to physical tension (think clenched jaw or stiff shoulders). 
Research conducted by Dr. Dawson Church of the National Institute of Integrative Healthcare has shown that when we relax our tongue, allowing it to rest on the floor of our mouth, our entire body follows suit.
Relaxing the tongue counteracts the body's natural "fight or flight" response that occurs when we feel threatened. This deliberate relaxation sends a signal that there is no need for alarm.
Give It a Go!
Here's a step-by-step guide to trying this technique:
1. Think of something that usually stresses you out.
2. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, creating tension.
3. Release the pressure and let your tongue relax.
4. Inhale for six seconds while focusing on the sensation of your relaxed tongue.
5. Exhale for six seconds, allowing your tongue to relax even more.
Notice how staying focused on keeping your tongue relaxed prevents you from getting overwhelmed by stress?
Make It a Habit!
The next time you feel agitated or have trouble sleeping, practice this technique: take a deep breath, consciously relax your tongue against the floor of your mouth, and let peace wash over you.
Simple yet effective, integrating this practice into your daily life could be an easy path to a more peaceful and balanced mindset.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to you!!
p.s.  Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend.
You rock!



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