Welcome to the Kyley Leger Marketing newsletter! I'm excited to share marketing tips, talk about what I'm up to, and share a little behind the scenes of my business. Very casual. 
But also, maybe show you how simple it can be to create a newsletter communication to your audience. You may be a friend, client, or future client, but I hope to create content that informs and entertains you {not like jokes, but content that keeps your attention}. I hope this newsletter can be some kind of inspiration – in business or your personal life!
Kyley Leger Marketing

Hello September! 
I have high hopes for you. I hope that routine and schedules will right this crazy summer ship. As summer winds down, I always crave structure and rules. I can wish for summer not to end AND be ready for a set routine. 
I love creating a deeper intention for the fall to help get me back on track. It helps ground me in my days, gives me targets to shoot for, and helps me refocus on the day-to-day.
September Intentions:
✨ Show up online by providing valuable content and connecting with my followers
✨ Walk 40 miles
✨ Read my Bible plan 20 days
✨ Spend 60 minutes deep breathing
✨ Focus on my digital course
✨ Do 15 strength workouts
✨ Create more digital products to sell online
✨ Drink 70 oz of water every day
✨ Prioritize myself and my health
✨ Look for the little joys
In my eyes, there isn't a lot of work life balance. There is just life. It all fits together – work, play, health, family, friends to create our days. 
How do I create engaging content?
​​Answer: There are a few different strategies for creating engaging content.
✨ Create content that starts a conversation. Probing questions with answers that you can solve. Ask thought-provoking questions or share insightful things.
✨ Share behind-the-scenes of your stories, struggles, and successes.
✨ Tell a story. Engaging storytelling should be concise.
✨ Empower and inspire your audience.
✨ Celebrate milestones.
✨ Sell your products and services in a way that your audience can see how they can use it or can't live without it. 
What I'm loving:
morning lattes
✨ sunshine
making lists
✨ deep conversations
✨ cozy hoodies
With Gratitude - Kyley

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