Weekly News and Motivation For Real People 
with Real Goals and Busy Lives
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food for thought
In Japanese culture, specifically in Okinawa, there is a concept called “hara hachi bu”, which essentially means to stop eating when you are 80% full. This approach doesn't come from a forceful or restrictive place, but rather a place of grounded presence and power. It's definitely different that the American way, which is to eat way beyond physical fullness but it's one that we could really benefit from applying. 
To understand the difference a bit more, one could compare the two ways of eating in saying that Americans eat until they are full, while Okinawans eat until they are no longer hungry. Do you see the distinction? It's subtle but it's there. This week, see if you can apply this philosophy of eating. Harness the agency and awareness to eat only to the point that comes before physical fullness. Try it out and let me know how it goes! 

Want to learn more about how we can work together? Enrollment is open for my 7 Weeks to Food Freedom, Body Love and Non-Restrictive, Long-term Weight Loss Program!
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P.S Want me to put together a FREE custom strategy and check-list to get you feeling better today? Email address / molly@humblhabits.com