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Hi First name / Friend
Hands up if you are patiently waiting to pop on some Gilmore Girls and cosy up with your favourite warm drink?
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Over the last few years, I have become more in tune with the natural rhythms and cycles of the seasons, which has influenced the way in which I run my business.
Autumn is the perfect time to cosy up and reflect on the past season of growth and to turn inwards as the days start to shorten.
And so I thought I would share some of the rituals and practices I have incorporated into my business over the past few years, in the hopes that it will help you create your own moments of pause…
The first ritual is to take stock of all the wonderful things you are grateful for in your business!
It’s so easy to get caught up in “what everyone else is doing” or the “next big goal / thing" that we can completely miss all the beautiful things right in front of us. For me that’s being able to outsource some work to someone I trust, and for the wonderful clients I have worked with this year.
Personally I like to do this as a daily practice, but if it’s something you haven’t done in a while I encourage you to grab a sheet of paper and write a list of everything you are grateful for in your business (don’t stop until the page is full) - you might be surprised at how awesome your business is right now in this very moment.
The next ritual, similar to the gratitude list, celebrate all the small wins you have had over the past year (don’t forget to include the big ones too!)
Our wins don’t always have to be financial (they could be), but there are tons of other things we can be proud of through the work we do. It could be as small as managing to get through the summer holidays to being fully booked with clients
For me, some of my small wins include:
  • Taking some time off over the summer where I truly rested and didn’t even think about my business
  • getting my work week down to 25 hours - this is a BIG WIN for me!
  • I also managed to be fully booked with retainer clients for the year (which was a big goal / desire for me at the beginning of this year) SIDE NOTE: I have 1 spot available from November, please get in touch if you would like to work together on a monthly basis. (these slots don’t become available all that often).
The final ritual I would like to share with you, is to reflect on this past season of work, see what has worked really well and where you need to make adjustments or improvements?
Take a look at what worked really well, and what had the greatest impact on your business?
Your workflows and back-end systems should always be evolving as your business does. As you refine your process and start to build your signature service, take note of the things that really went well while working with your Clients. 
See if there are ways to improve what you are currently doing, or if there are ways to systemise & make repetitive processes easier to execute.
Next, try to spot any gaps or issues that keep popping up:
Take note of any gaps or issues in your process, if there are, can you identify what went wrong and how you could maybe improve or remove something from your process. For example, If something came up or a boundary was crossed, could you add something into your welcome guide to prevent it from happening in the future?
How can you spice things up?
Oh my goodness - there is nothing more satisfying than finding ways to spice up your workflows and mundane back-end processes to bring more joy for both you and your clients. As your business grows and evolves over time your workflows can get a bit bland, which is why Autumn is the perfect time to spice things up and create some new brand touch points that are going to generously serve your clients - and make you excited about your own work. 
You don't have to do this on your own - ways I can support you:
If you are feeling up to it, why not cosy up at your desk or laptop. Light your favourite candle and brew a warm cup of something you love, and take some time to do one (or all of these rituals). And if you do, I would love to know what you noticed through these rituals?
Sending all my love,
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