Dear First name / friend,
β€œThe greatest challenge for most of us is believing that we are worthy now, right this minute. Worthiness doesn't have prerequisites.”
            ~Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
Guilty as charged. Let me explain. I struggle with rest. Don't get me wrong; I love and desire rest. However, every time I try to rest something calls out to me--the dirty laundry, the floor needing to be mopped, the carpet needing to be vacuumed. All of these tasks need to be done, but the problem is that I have made them a prerequisite for both rest and my worthiness. It looks a bit like:
  • I'll be worthy when I have a clean house.
  • I'll be worthy when the laundry is clean.
  • I'll be worthy when I close all of the rings on my Iphone.
  • I'll be worthy when I workout everyday.
  • I'll be worthy when I'm making more money.
Recognizing my prerequisites is the first step. Now when I know I need rest (for my sanity and everyone else's), I go outside. I love that there's nothing for me to fix in nature, and that gives me the space I need to celebrate my worthiness, imperfections and all. 
What are your prerequisites? Write them down. Then, throw them away. You are worthy right now, flaws and all! 
p.s. If you still don't believe you're worthy, let's chat.  Click here to get on my calendar. I'd love to encourage you!