Weekly DiVa | Sep 17, 2023
How've you been? Keeping busy, I hope. But not too busy. Not so busy that you forget important things. Like me--I forgot to tell you something super important this past week! So, let's get right into it!
There's a Goodreads giveaway for TULLE DEATH DO US PART! It started on Thursday and runs until September 28. This one is US only. (If you are in Canada and that sentence makes you angry, please focus on the words “this one” :) 
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If you have not already snagged your copies of SUEDE TO REST (free), CRUSHED VELVET (.99), and SILKL STALKINGS (.99), then do so now! This whopper of a sale ends on Tuesday, so time is of the essence!
You likely know how to find ebooks on your favorite platforms, but here's a handy link list to get you to the series page on each:
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on B&N
on Kobo
Tantor, the company who produced my audiobooks for this series, has joined in with 50% discounts on books 1 & 2! 🎧
Now, I know that's a lot, but it's all connected back to the Material Witness series, and there's another thing I should mention. I'm participating in a Cozy Mystery Fete on October 14 at Mechanicsburg Mystery. If you love cozies and humorous mysteries and Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania is not difficult for you to get to, then this event is for you! Click on the below graphic and find out all the details. (Psst: this is a great place to get early Christmas presents for your mystery-loving friends and family!)
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This past week, I finally got around to buying a cart for my home pizza oven. And because I was trying to save a little money, I didn't go with the brand name one, but with another one with dimensions that would work. The box was delivered, and I built the cart, only to discover that the listed dimensions were WRONG! The pizza oven did NOT fit!
(It also didn't fit in the trunk of my car, which we'll get to later.)
I took the whole thing apart and repacked it, then drove it to the UPS store for a return. Apparently, Staples doesn't count as a UPS store even though they have a USP outpost inside the store, so I went to a second UPS location. And all this time, I'm maneuvering a hand cart because the box is too heavy to carry. 
When I got to UPS, I realized I didn't have glasses, so I couldn't read my phone to find the return QR code, and I couldn't read the screen to figure out what to do. I definitely gave off old lady vibes to the employees! And I was in a particularly bad mood when I left--so bad that when I pulled my mom's keys out of my pocket (remember the cart didn't fit in my car's trunk?), I didn't realize that my keys fell out too and landed in the parking lot. 
It wasn't until the next day when I couldn't find my keys that I started piecing together what might have happened. I retraced my steps--all of my steps, including the Staples store where I was turned away--but nobody had my keys. So I went door to door down the strip mall asking if anyone turned in a set of keys. 
Have I mentioned that an escaped murder convict was on the loose and had been reported as being spotted in my town? Yeah, add that to the top of the pile. My lost keyring had my house key on it!
I was totally dejected when I went into Great Clips. In fact, I almost didn't go in. But I did, and they had them! And my whole day changed. 
And do you know what I did when I got home? I immediately ordered the right pizza cart that I should have ordered in the first place :)
p.s. They caught the murderer the next day. The police were troubled by the number of “amateur sleuths” who were trying to sniff out his whereabouts!

Diane's full book catalog here.

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