Rochelle Weinstein

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Hi {{ subscriber.firstName | default('Friends') }},
We're a month away from pub date which means I'M A BIT OF A NERVOUS WRECK! Yeah. It's scary giving birth to a new baby, so I'm going to focus my mind on other things, like last month's giveaway. I received SO MANY helpful responses to the severe weather prep query. Thanks to everyone who shared their experience and wisdom. I've put together a list of your suggestions below:
  1. Important papers. Compile a waterproof/fireproof file with birth certificates, passports, car titles, insurance information, passwords, etc.
  2. Emergency supplies. Flashlights/lanterns, small butane canisters, batteries, gas for generator, water bottles, non-perishable food, pet food, emergency radio, first aid kit, candles, blankets and pillows, disposable silverware and paper plates.
  3. Personal items. Glasses, contacts, prescription medication, change of clothes, wallet, pocketbook, cell phone and charger, car keys, waterproof/fireproof weighted safes, and laptop computers.
  4. Photo albums. Many of you have already converted physical prints into digital files. I highly recommend investing in a service to protect these priceless memories. I used RKVIST.
  5. Miscellaneous. Heirlooms/mementos, loved one's ashes, small bills, and bible/prayer books.
  6. A designated safe space that every family member is aware of.
  7. Make sure smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are checked four times a year.
  8. One reader wrote: I pack my sewing machine and fabric, so when the disaster is over I can start making blankets for everyone!
  9. Another reader, Anna J, candidly shared “I have lost my house in a fire so I know as much as you want to save everything, the thought to get out alive and get your loved ones out takes over. Everything else can be replaced.” Which brings us to humans and pets. While this is number nine on our list, this should be your #1 priority.
I literally got chills when I read Anna's response. And when it came time to choose the random winner of last month's giveaway, I did what I always do, I gave each reply a number, and Bear picked the winning entry. Wouldn't you know, he chose Anna. More chills. Congratulations, Anna!
Are you ready for this month's giveaway? Head on over to Goodreads where my amazing publisher is GIVING AWAY 100 eBooks. That's right. ONE HUNDRED eBooks are up for grabs to US entrants from now through October 16, 2023. Good luck everyone!
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Hugs and love,


Please excuse any typos. Sometimes I make mistakes!