It's been a busy season
Last time we spoke, I was in the middle of a very successful Open Studios which for me, leads straight into the summer holidays with the children… hence my silence! As you may remember, I was also due to move out of my studio. Moving the painting essentials home was easy but having been in my last premises for 10 years running a clothing label alongside, there was a lot of streamlining and packing to be done. Despite the upheaval, everything non essential is now safely in storage whilst I continue my search for the perfect retail space to house my studio and art gallery. In the meantime I've moved into my home studio and with the kids back in school, I'm finally back into the flow and have three wonderful things to share with you!
exciting news 
Autumn Exhibition
Between 23d Sept & 8th Oct I'll be debuting paintings from my Surrender Series alongside art & gifts from other artists at The George in Newnham on Severn, GL14 1BS. The perfect opportunity if you're looking to refresh your home or find some Christmas gifts! 
Open Weds - Sun 11am - 4pm
details below
Releasing soon…
I'm currently photographing the Surrender Series and uploading it to my website for a release in October! So many stunning pieces which I can't wait to share with you but first comes editing, pricing and listing!
get ready!
Feel free to respond and have a chat!
Charlotte x