issue 4:
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Dear First name / friend,
Our world as we know it is filled with noise and distractions. Cell phones, tv shows, work, social gatherings… pressure to perform, grow, produce… 
All of these are important and serve a purpose, but when you fill up your calendar to the brim with them, something happens.
Your inner voice gets lost.
That voice that knows who you are, what to do, where to go, that will bring you to your greatest joy.
So if this voice is soooo great, why do most people avoid it like the plague? 
Because it doesn't always tell us what we want to hear.
You see, the places we need to go and things we need to do to become who we are meant to be often require us to leave our comfort zone, and this is unpleasant.
I find myself here often.
So from one fellow human to the other, don't delay.
Take yourself on a solo date.
Or just sit with yourself at home.
Journal your thoughts.
Make time to be bored and do nothing.
Stare into the distance.
Go into nature.
Practice yoga.
Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Because there are brilliant answers inside.
And this is exciting. Very exciting.
I'll leave you with this quote: “distraction is the death of art, but boredom is the birthplace of it.”
with mettĀ,
Ellina Sukh
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