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September Prompt 2
The second prompt for this month is…
Our next prompt is inspired by the Autumn Equinox happening this weekend and the different seasons we find ourselves in throughout our lives. At this moment in time, what are you gravitating towards creating? Here are some ideas to help get you started…

What season do you find yourself in?
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  • Capture the last days of summer, slowly transitioning into fall. Echoing an idea from the last prompt, there is no rush--enjoy each season fully and experience nature in real time however that may look like for you and where you live.
  • Thousands of Leaves Transition from Summer to Fall In A Hypnotic Stop-Motion Short
  • Create a piece inspired by Autumn Equinox, a time when hours of daylight and nighttime are equal, something that will not occur again until the arrival of spring.
  • Play around with daylight and nighttime. How do you feel when creating in the morning hours vs at night? What inspires you when you first wake up? How can the rest of the day change and affect that? Fill in half your page early in the day then revisit it in the evening to fill in the rest. Or try creating two scenes inspired by day/nighttime.
  • What season are in you in? Whether it's your creative journey or life in general, reflect on the season you are currently in and create a page inspired by it. Here are 20 quotes about embracing the different seasons we may find ourselves in.
  • Use a color palette inspired by your favorite season.
  • 5 Fall Journal Prompts for Personal Growth and Creativity. Pick a prompt and answer with written words, imagery, or a mix of both.
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This was one of my favorite quotes from the 20 quotes link shared above:
“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming.
When nothing is certain, anything is possible.”
Mandy Hale
Which quote did you connect with?
Wishing you beauty and possibility as summer unfolds into fall.
Happy Autumn Equinox! I look forward to seeing how you interpret this prompt!
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