Read more to understand how-to manage resignation in the heat of the moment, see our legislation updates for flexible working, how Gen-Z are impacting language in the office and this months blog on leadership.
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How to Manage Resignations in the Heat of the Moment
In today's fast-paced workplace, emotions can sometimes escalate, leading employees to make hasty decisions. Among these is the impulsive "heat of the moment" resignation.
Navigating such situations as an employer requires tact, empathy, and a clear understanding of your rights and responsibilities. This guide will help you approach these situations effectively.
Read our How-To guide and discover strategies and tools to support your business with managing resignations in the heat of the moment. 
Flexible Working Updates
In July the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 finally received Royal Assent. However, the law itself won’t come into effect until at least Spring/Summer 2024.
Often the measures in an Act and secondary legislation can come into force up to a year after Royal Assent, to give employers time to prepare for the changes.  Therefore, we will be letting you know in good time what needs to change in your current policies.
The new legislation will enable employees to make two flexible working requests in any 12-month period (compared to just one under current law), and employers must respond within two months (compared to three). Employees will also not be required to explain the impact that granting their request would have on the business.
It is likely that the right to request flexible working will also become a day-one right, although as this is not explicitly stated in the bill, it will need to be dealt with under separate legislation. The current requirement is for someone to have been employed for 26 weeks.
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Gen Z's Linguistic Impact on the Workplace

Workplaces all over are echoing with the 'fresh' linguistic nuances of Generation Z. According to a recent Barclays LifeSkills survey, a significant amount of UK workers believe the younger generation is reshaping the workplace language.
From formal sign offs to instant messaging lingos, the office communication playbook is undergoing a transformation. While some view this as a reflection of the digital age, blending personality with professionalism, others tread with caution, signalling the need for a balanced communication approach.
Whatever the stance, one thing's certain: Gen Z's influence on workplace language is only going to continue to evolve. 
Leadership in the Workplace
The complex business environment is influenced by many factors and today we're focusing on leadership. Effective leadership is not merely a job title; it's an attitude, a methodology, and a set of skills that drive organisational success. In this blog, we will dissect the multifaceted impact of leadership in the workplace, its invaluable importance, and the strategies to nurture the next generation of leaders.
Leaders are the bedrock of an organisation's culture. Their values, ethics, and principles cascade down, shaping the behaviours and attitudes of everyone in their teams. This cultural aspect profoundly impacts every detail, from internal employee interactions to external customer engagements.
Read our blog to discover the role of a successful leader and how to mould the future generation of leaders in your business. 
See you next month,