That end of summer sale I mentioned a few weeks ago? I haven't forgotten! But thanks to several projects I took on at once, things have been a bit delayed. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
TOMORROW the Fall Harvest Sale begins! Take 15% off Thursday, October 5th through Tuesday, October 10th. 
SIX days to save!
Use β€˜HARVEST’ at checkout. (Not for use on consultations.)
But I must be honest, inventory is running very low, with many items already sold out. So if your heart is calling for a special something, best not wait until the last day! 
I'd also like to be honest about something else.
This year I've been prioritizing space for my own healing. I've been slowing down and going deeper. I haven't gone to as many artisan events or traveled as far, I haven't released new + exciting products, and I haven't always been great at emailing or social media.
Sure, it's been incredibly painful to say no to opportunities that would lead to financial growth. Incredibly
But in keeping my events small + local I've found a richness that just didn't exist before. My relationships with those of you that frequent the Westport Farmers' Market have become especially deep and fulfilling. 
I guess in saying this I just want to share the reminder of quality over quantity.
When fall is here and it comes time to harvest from our gardens, it can be so easy to think, if only I had done more. But really, we're doing the best we can with what we have. And that is plenty.
Every purchase, request, love note, and referral counts. Thank you soo much for being here!
sending love,