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Your business could have a million followers on social media, but without the right copywriting and sales skills, you won't make any money.
Let me back up here and start at square one: I interact with new business owners a LOT.
Whether it's an artist friend who is starting a new endeavor, or one of my design clients, I end up talking about business & marketing strategies all day, every day. 
As a result, I've connected some dots. You see, there's a huge difference between the people who end up being successful, and those who don't: 
And the ones who go far? They're the ones who understand that they need to become incredible marketers in addition to whatever skill, service, or product they provide.
There's just no way around it. Unless you've got an insane marketing budget and can afford to hire a whole team of folks to push your message, it falls on you. 
Of course, when I've said this to people in the past, they assume I mean social media. They assume they need to grow a following and simply post that they've got slots available, or throw the link to their product up in their stories.
Voila! Successful business! 
But unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. If you're unable to clearly communicate how your offer helps & what transformation it can provide, no one's gonna stop their scroll for you. 
In this economy? Girl, please.
In short, you need to sell. And you need to be able to do it in a way that inspires, not annoys
That's what good copywriting does. 
Now you might be thinking, “ughhhhh, I hate writing—can't I just hire someone to do it for me?” 
^^ And yes, that is a genuine solution that I do recommend for the most important aspects of your business, like your website. (If you've got the budget, definitely go for it!) 
But newsflash, your website isn't the only place you're going to need great, sales-driven copy for. You ALSO need copy for: 
  • Your email newsletters
  • Your Instagram captions
  • Regular, everyday emails to your clients
  • Your project proposals
  • Your TikToks/Reels scripts
  • Your IG Stories
… and probably even more shit that I'm not thinking of at the moment.
TL;DR, you need to learn how to write good copy. 
That's why I'm so excited to introduce you to the new-and-improved Site Series, a copywriting course by my biz bestie Sara at Between the Lines Copywriting. 
I've always fancied myself a great writer—English class was my SHIT—and I'll go so far to say that I am also a pretty competitive copywriter myself. 
^^ And even though all of that is true, I LOVED this course and learned so much. (Plus, she completely redid the course this year, and I got to peek into the new back-end. And let me tell you, I'm STOKED to re-take the new and improved version.) 
If “growing your business” is on your list of things to do this year, then "becoming a better marketer" should be too. And there's no better way to do that than Site Series :) 
Related copywriting content from me 2 u :) 
I'll leave you with this:
Design attracts your ideal clients, builds trust, and makes you look fucking dope. Copy sells.
Need design help? You know where you find me. I've got two template customization spots available in October. Inquire here!
Sarah Kleist