Hello, and welcome to the Sept 2023 Newsletter.

Thanks, everyone, for subscribing to and reading my monthly newsletters. If you're new or missed any editions, you can always catch up by visiting the Archive Page.

What's New With Us
September saw us make our way back to Lund Marina with a few stopovers along the way. Lund has become our summer base now as it is near where the truck and trailer are being stored and not far from the city of Powell River. It's convenient for us to tie up to the dock for a night or two, grab the truck to go in for supplies and groceries, do laundry, etc.
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Most of the month was spent exploring Desolation Sound Marine Park. During the summer months, its anchorages are packed with boats, but after Labour Day and into autumn, the crowds dwindle, making it a perfect time to explore and not worry about whether we can find a place to anchor.
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You'll find videos from several anchorages we checked out: Grace Harbour, Walsh Cove, and the famous Prideaux Haven. The month's highlight was a morning visit by a pod of Orca in Prideaux. What a surprise and thrill to witness. I managed to get a little bit on video.
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If you missed it, head over to Anne's website and check out her in-depth blog post on our visit to Charles Bay in Blind Channel. She has many beautiful photos, plus underwater and drone video footage.
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The last few days were spent on the breakwater dock at the Lund Marina securely tied up. We returned from Desolation Sound to wait out an early fall rain/wind storm that slammed into the BC coast. It's better to be tied to the dock versus at anchor, hoping it doesn't break loose and drag in the storm.
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Mod, Upgrades & Repairs
As far as boating mods and repairs go, I was kept busy chasing down a cabin roof leak that originated from the flybridge seating area. After a complete reseal of the site, I'm happy to report that the water drips are gone. Just like with the RV, keeping water out of the boat's living area will require ongoing maintenance of sealants.
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I also customized a magnetic bug screen for our cabin entrance door and hacked a fix for a failed wireless autopilot control. Both were given a smile and thumbs up from Anne. Happy wife, happy life!
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If you are missing the RV content, don't worry, as in under two weeks, the boat gets pulled out of the water for the season, and we will return to living in the RV until next spring.
Plans are to leave around the first week of November for our usual RV snowbird adventure to the US Southwest. Stay tuned…
Image of the Month
Walsh Cove Marine Park, Desolation Sound, BC
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Funny of the Month
Seagull trying to swallow a purple sea star
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Thanks for taking time out of your day to check out the LYRV & Boat! newsletter.
Much appreciated
Cheers, Ray
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“The sea is a desert of waves, a wilderness of water.” Langston Hughes