Perfected Parker House Bread Rolls
And a quick nod to Passenger Consciousness, because that's how I roll!
Which comes naturally?
Perfecting Parker House Bread Rolls or a dive into Passenger Consciousness?
What I love about posing this question is that there will inevitably be two camps; that’s what individuates us!
I happen to live in both camps and ironically, I find bread baking more intimidating than being the passenger to my life.
Tried and true. That’s what this recipe is. It took multiple attempts to rest, rise, taste the results and re-do. Symbolic really. Test out the recipe and tag us with your results!
Expanding on Tried and True…
I am more of the athlete today than I once was in uniform because I didn’t quit. It reminds me of the story between the grandfather and the little boy discussing the tale of the two wolves we have inside each of us: Fear and Love. The little boy asks, ‘which one wins’? And the grandfather replies, ‘whichever one you feed’.
My love for learning is as deep as my love for sharing. Lately I have been thinking about how to help more of us be the conscious passengers of our own lives. The creators and coaches over the victims and perpetrators. Being the passenger allows you to step outside of your mind while trusting that you’re getting from point a to point b without a timeline, When we consciously bypass our logical thinking, we stay present and are able to access the flow state we often admire in others. This practice leads to freedom within and ultimately communion with others. It is time to take individual responsibility for moving from a mentally driven life, to a consciously experienced life. And it starts within, with you, me, each of us being willing to consciously observe ourselves. 
I have said this before, and it’s important to say again: Everything is energy, particularly with emotions. We are moving from a ‘survival of the fittest’ mindset to ‘emotional agility as a superpower’. Responding without emotionally charged energy requires embodiment. Emotions are energies in motion after all and mindfulness is our ability to observe without criticism.
The leadership board of emotions is how I refer to the chatter between the ears. I welcome each one of my many emotions through my imaginary front door every day; ‘Joy’, I say, nice to see you again. ‘Crazy, it’s ok, c’mon in, it’s been a long night. Hi sadness, hunger is here along with shy, confident, pride, rage loyal and passion’. You see, everyone is welcome when you become the passenger and remarkably when we allow this flow of consciousness to exist, we feel lighter and become capable of more. 
I believe in free will along with fate and destiny. I see the convergence of extremes not as contradictions, rather an unmeasurable container that is capable of always holding both.
I am consciously the passenger of my ride; Fully committed and completely unattached to the outcome using the tools I have applied to fall back in love with life and to teach others.
Writing this under an Aries full moon feeds me emotionally as my natal moon was in Aries when I arrived. Aries is the sign of self, raw instinct, initiation and desire.
It’s the season to Fall deeply in love with life.
And it starts by being in your body.
Prioritize self care, especially in October.
A lot of energy is swirling about.
Take care of your emotional well being.
If interested, I have a new offering under my Gentle Guidance practice. It’s called ‘Aligned you’.
Check it out below. 
Reach out for tried and true guidance.
I would be oh so honored!