Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your October energetic update!
“Hold onto your butts!” It's Eclipse Season, y'all! Eclipses bring karmic shifts. I call them the swift kick to the toosh. They happen in pairs, every 6mo and hit the same area of our charts around 3x over 18 months which means a story builds here for you. Sometimes they are massive change followed by a a more chill round of just adding to that story. For some people, it's more internal shifts - not as apparent outwardly - like starting therapy, healing a family relationship, etc. For others, it may be big outwardly noticeable shifts like new jobs, new study, moving, relationship status changes, etc. One thing's for sure - you'll notice everyone in your life shifting around the same time. One heads up that I always give is that because everyone is shifting - it may be hard to receive the attention/support that you need. Don't give all of yours away and nurture yourself - you hold the answers! 
Key dates : 
10/7 - 10/8 - Venus Retrograde shadow period over and it moves into Virgo!  We have now integrated all the lessons that Venus retrograde brought. The main being around self worth. It allowed for recognizing unhealthy relationship patterns and releasing them in order to start creating new boundaries. We also were shown if we had a lack of inner joy or creative expression so that we could reconnect to those things. Are you going to slip back into old habits or use this as a launching pad to attract more abundance around love, money and creativity in this new solid foundation? Venus is finally out of Leo after months - we now get a new aesthetic to play with! In Virgo, this is a time when we express our love with intention and through acts of service. Venus in Virgo wants to be practical in love and with money. This isn't a month to be overly romantic - it's dating with purpose. Venus in Virgo also appreciates a clean aesthetic - time to color code and beautify through organization. The shadow side of this position is being overly critical of our partners, picky, or worrisome.
10/10 - Mars enters Scorpio - Sexy! Mars just spend 2 months in Libra which had us mulling over things before taking action. Now we get to be much more instinctual and potent with taking action. In Scorpio, Mars is driven and focused on getting what it wants. The desire to experience our emotional depths, as well as the urge to go below the surface of life in order to explore deeper levels of existence, is powerful. During this Mars-in-Scorpio cycle, we go all in. We can view crisis as transformative and emotionally exciting. We would rather feel extreme emotions than nothing at all. Scorpio is about true intimacy, vulnerability and trust. We will be driven towards those things and reactive if we aren't getting them.
10/10 Pluto goes Direct (retrograde from May 1st). Pluto is the slowest moving planet which means it retrogrades a long time - almost half of the year, every year. So, while it isn't super impactful on a day to day basis, its themes have been a big background player! Pluto retrograde shows us what is lying within, waiting for awareness, acceptance, closure and healing. It digs deep within our hidden inner caves, the unconscious, the emotional body, the hidden within us. Pluto going direct is like a green light to confront those things that have been reflected upon or brought to light through the attention inward. Now it is the time to stop thinking about making changes and truly take action.
10/14 - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra at 21 degrees - (This one is a biggie as it will be visible in the sky!) We have the first eclipse in Libra since 2005! Libra, being an air sign ruled by Venus, often emphasizes themes of balance, harmony, and relationships. When coupled with a Solar Eclipse, the energy intensifies, creating a profound impact on personal and interpersonal dynamics. Solar Eclipses are potent New Moons that mark significant beginnings. In Libra, the focus is on relationships, justice, and finding equilibrium. This eclipse encourages us to reassess and recalibrate our connections with others, ensuring they are fair, supportive, and in alignment with our authentic selves.The transformative energy of the eclipse prompts deep introspection, pushing us to shed old patterns and embrace a more authentic way of relating. This can lead to a renewed sense of self and a clearer understanding of our needs and desires within partnerships. However, eclipses are known for unveiling hidden truths, and this one may bring to light aspects of relationships that need attention. It's an opportunity for honest communication and a chance to address imbalances or unresolved issues. Overall, this Eclipse is a cosmic reset button for relationships, calling for a harmonious and balanced approach to partnerships.
Where is 21 degrees of Libra in your birth chart? This area is getting a potent new beginning! This story will be added to on the 3/25/24 Lunar Eclipse in Libra! See below for tools to help you navigate this part. Libra energy and themes are what we collectively will be navigating but what area of life you will experience the change is unique to you!
10/23 - Scorpio Season begins (Sun enters Scorpio) - The Sun is now joining Mars that has just moved into Scorpio. The Sun and Mars are our masculine planets that rule over energy, vitality, ego and drive. In Scorpio, we are taking action towards deep transformation. What needs to shed? In yourself or within your life? We are likely in the midst of transformation from the eclipses and will be feeling like a whole new, empowered, person as we move further into Scorpio Season. Go inward and get to know what motivates you. Do you have a guard up? What would it take to bring it down? It's time to get vulnerable and face the gunk we like to avoid. We will be so much stronger for it! 
10/28 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus at 5 degrees - Taurus, an earth sign ruled by Venus, is associated with stability, sensuality, and material abundance. Lunar eclipses intensify the energy of Full Moons, creating a potent atmosphere for transformative shifts.This eclipse prompts a reevaluation of our relationship with material resources, personal values, and the tangible aspects of life. Taurus's influence encourages a focus on security, both financial and emotional, as well as a deeper connection with nature and the pleasures of the physical world.
The eclipse in Taurus invites us to release outdated attachments, particularly those related to possessions or comfort zones that may hinder personal growth. It's a time to let go of what no longer serves our highest good and embrace a more authentic and fulfilling path. This is the last eclipse in Taurus we will see for 18yrs. We have been doing the work in this area for the last year and a half and we are closing a chapter around worthiness, what we value, being valued, security and money-- if there are lingering fears or doubts in these areas, they will be magnified so that you can overcome!
Where is 5 degrees of Taurus in your birth chart? This area is wrapping up a story that was highlighted in April and November of 2022 and Spring of this year. 
  • Watch this video on how to find where things are hitting your chart - WATCH HERE
  • After that, check my Eclipses Through the Houses PDF to read about themes you'll notice in your life - READ HERE
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October is a Universal 8 Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, October is an 8 month. An 8 month is the only number that represents the material world in numerology. It is about the pay off of previous hard work, stepping into our power, transforming and getting our material world buttoned up. After a recent gentle and introspective time in the double 7 energy of last month (double emotional? haha) - it's time to get practical and go for it. The 8 is definitely more energized! This in combo with Eclipse Season? It's time to seize the day! It is a time to finish any projects, get moving, stand your ground and make the boss moves. It is a month to make decisions and be assertive.
Watch outs in an 8? Being power hungry and short fused. Do a gut check around what success means to you and if it is ego or passion lead. Being reckless with money and seeing a reversal in the wrong direction is also a watch out. If you have been irresponsible in this department, it may cause some stress. If you have been working hard and being intentional with your money - this is a month you could experience a lot of abundance! Either way, the financial world will be featured predominantly this month!
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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The card of the month is the Death Card (not to be feared!). This is so fitting as this is the last section I do and I was seeing a through line with Eclipses, Pluto direct, 8 month – they are all about change, courage, stepping into power through hard work and transformation-- and then we get this card??? HELLO! This month is filled with metamorphosis! 
The Death card is a call to introspection and self-discovery. It challenges us to confront the aspects of our lives that need transformation and encourages us to embrace the unknown with courage. Much like the phoenix rising from the ashes, the Death card assures us that from every ending emerges a new and vibrant beginning.
In essence, the Death card is a reminder that change is a constant, and true growth often emerges from the ashes of what once was. So, fear not when this card appears; instead, welcome the opportunity for metamorphosis and the chance to emerge stronger, wiser, and more aligned with your authentic self. The journey through the Death card may be profound, but the destination is nothing short of a rebirth.
Don't forget to take time to adjust this month as you are feeling all of these changes! Be gentle with yourself, rest and be proud of yourself for taking on new beginnings with bravery!

Book a Reading - Life is so unpredictable for me at the moment that I have to release dates on a week by week basis. So, if you are looking to get in, keep an eye out on the booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops then this is for you! It is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE  Workshops included inside of Astro Curious : Chiron, North/South Node, Progressed Moon, Angles of the Birth Chart, Synastry (compatibility) in astrology

On a personal note : 
In the Fall eclipses last year, I was packing up my condo and putting everything in storage. Packing when you weren't planning or prepared to move is A LOT. Also, when you are moving into a storage unit, you don't get the part of the move that makes it all worth it - the decorating of the new exciting space. Womp, womp. After I got back from that exhausting (physically and emotionally) trip, within 2 hours of landing I had a cyst rupture - HOLY PAIN! Stress is real, y'all. We also got robbed during this time - men inside the house stealing our purses then coming back to steal the cars with the keys they now had. This was at 3am-- in 5hrs we would be at the doctor getting the news “terminal” for my mom's cancer. I think back and wonder how I got through it all. I have this delusional optimistic nature that I believe saves me. I keep expecting something amazing or exciting to happen - to save the day. It never does… but I still hold onto it. I know, I know, nothing can “save” us but y'all know what I mean! I truly believe there will be a reason for it all one day, all these lessons. I hope this Fall is better. It feels better! I am in a much more accepting place with the loneliness that Portland has brought. I joke that the universe cock-blocks me anytime I attempt to meet friends here. I think I am meant to grieve, to heal and to slow down. Perhaps a social life would be too distracting? I am in a personal 7 year after all. I am no longer forcing it and it feels good. I am able to work on my health and routines - thanks 6 house eclipses! (That ruptured cyst of hell revealed some health issues that were a mystery for years), I've been able to spend more time with my mom this year than a lifetime of visits if I was still living in Chicago, I have gotten closer with my sister and my nephews, done a lot of inner childhood healing and have had a lot of realizations-- all things that this pause has provided! There's a depth I have gotten to in which all future experiences will benefit from. While I still romanticize the future as a way to cope, I am much more present than I think I ever have been. 
Good luck navigating th big feelings and themes that eclipse season can bring. And don't get it twisted - a lot of times it is FANTASTIC change! 
Oh! I can't forget to mention that October is when I got Jasper. He keeps me sane. So here are a few pics for my fellow cat lovers :
Jasper is a Cancer with a Pisces Moon - he's moody and snuggly.
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Have a lovely month ahead,
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