Carats & Karats
Diamonds, Jewelry, and Lifestyle News From Kat
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Well, here we are in October…early fall…
I stand in awe with the wonder of mother nature as we behold the rich golds, oranges, yellows, and reds of the turning leaves. On my hikes in the forest, I can see more of the landscape as the falling leaves means less density of foliage and gives me a greater view of the expansiveness and the terrain. There are fewer places for the birds, squirrels, and deer to blend in so we spot lots of fauna everywhere! Even though I admittedly am not a cold weather person, I do love autumn for all its beauty. 
There are so many gorgeous gems…also from mother nature…which possess the same hues as those leaves. Red garnets, golden sapphires, yellow citrines, rubellite tourmalines, and orange diamonds all remind me of the warm colors of fall. And there are endless jewelry designs to enhance their beauty. 
This is also Halloween and harvest season! A funny fact about me is even though I hate horror flicks and never watch them, I do love Halloween and going to haunted houses, haunted hay rides and haunted corn mazes. I get anxious and scream like a little kid even though I know it’s all make-believe. I still buy into the fright show! I love going with several people as I never go first, and I never go last…I just stay in the middle. But the characters always seem to know I’m the most vulnerable because they seek me out anyway! We try and find a new frightening experience each year! I also love the harvest festivals, eating caramel apples, going to the local orchards to pick apples, and drinking apple cider.  

With so much love,

Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it.
—Nicky Hilton
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Diamonds as Big as Chanel
The iconic clothing and accessories designer…Gabrielle “CoCo” Chanel…also designed a diamond jewelry collection in the 1930’s.
“The atmosphere was as sparkling as the diamonds that guests were there to see. On November 1st, 1932, the most famous faces of the time gathered at 29 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré for the one and only Coco Chanel. Notable names like Pablo Picasso, poet and playwright Jean Cocteau, American actress Gloria Swanson and Eileen, Duchess of Sutherland, Mistress of the Robes to Queen Mary, all gathered at Gabrielle Chanel’s Parisian mansion.”
“For this was the opening night of the exhibition of her first (and only) diamond jewelry collection – literally entitled “Bijoux des Diamants”.
Click the link below to read the intriguing story of this diamond jewelry collection launch.
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We’re featuring VAHAN jewelry on October 25, 2023!
We had an extremely successful Private VIP Jewelry Trunk Show in September featuring the beautiful and unique designs of Annamaria Cammilli. We had about 25 people there who raved about the venue, the food and beverages, the other fun people they met – and most of all – they loved the fun of trying on the gorgeous jewelry designs and adding them to their own jewelry wardrobe.
On October 25, we will be hosting another Private VIP Jewelry Trunk Show event featuring the designs of Alwand Vahan.  Vahan jewelry is “Jewelry for Every Lifestyle” with an extraordinary line featuring lovely timeless yet very fashionable designs using gold, sterling silver, gems, and diamonds. 
Here’s the link to the event page so check it out and reach out if you want more details or to be added to the guest list.  Remember, as last time, space is limited so we need your RSVP soon!
VAHAN Jewelry Trunk Show Event Link
25 guests had a wonderfult time enjoying the luxury ambieance of Wildcat Creek Farm, eating delicious food prepared by our chef, and trying on exclusive high-end jewlery designs by the Italian Jewelry Designer ANNAMARIA CAMMILLI. 
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Creating good karma.
Have you ever heard the expressions – “What goes around, comes around” and “You reap what you sow”? This is karma in its simplest terms.  More definitively, karma is rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism and is a cosmic principle which brings upon oneself inevitable results based on a good or bad action.  In essence, a person is rewarded or punished in this incarnation according to that person’s deeds in a previous incarnation.  Good and bad karma can also be created and cleansed in the same lifetime. 
You may have even said or heard someone express “Karma is a bitch” when either hearing of or observing a person’s wicked action, or in being the recipient of such action.  Yeah…we are either rewarded generously or we pay deeply for our actions and deeds.  The universe has a way of keeping us honest in our treatment of others.  So, the other saying “Do unto others as you would wish they do unto you” might have deeper meaning to you now that you know how karma is created and stays with you until it is repaid or cleansed. 
Can we ever repay karmic debt and cleanse it if we were not honorable in our actions?  Yes, there are steps to take to do this.  There are many spiritual ways of doing this and there are experts to guide you in this who are way more qualified.  Unfortunately, we all are carrying karmic debt, so I did my own research and have my own practices for repaying or cleansing that debt.  I encourage you to do your own research as well.  I personally strive to be the creator of good karma.  No one’s perfect though and when I slip up, I own up to it and try to make it right as I don’t want to carry the burden of bad karma.  I need to flip it to the right side – right quick!
The biggest awakening moment is knowing that karma is very, very real.  It’s not some WOO thing and it’s a critical component to knowing why certain things or patterns or people dominate our lives.  So now that we know those sayings above have real meaning, it’s time to step it up and get straight with our own karma.
(414) 403-8700‬