I can't not share
any longer...

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Cycling + Lagree = the yin to the yang
Both high intensity, low impact, but one gets your heart-rate pumping with a focus on rhythm, while the other allows you to slow down and embrace every second of movement. 
Cardio, strength, and community all under one roof.

Hey There!
SO much to share, but couldn't keep this one to myself any longer. Cycling and Lagree are two of the things that truly shifted my entire perspective on movement… and I just cannot wait to get them in one space. 
So out of all the different forms of workouts, why these two?
High-intensity, low-impact, full-body strength training that allows you to slooooooow down. The concept of moving at sloth speed and really focusing on controlled movements was super foreign to me when I initially started doing Lagree (I honestly wasn't sure if I liked it), but I began to love having this snippet of time to do the opposite of what I do every other moment of the day. We live in such a fast-paced society where slowing down is something we just aren't used to doing, but goodness, when we get to do it, it's like a giant breath of fresh air. I began to associate my time doing Lagree as a time to not just work on myself physically, but mentally and emotionally
Although I freaking ADORE Lagree and knew in my heart it would be something I'd want to do forever… I did feel like I was missing something in my routine. Cardio. Now don't get me wrong, your heart rate rises with Lagree, especially if doing it correctly, but I began to miss the intensity of a good heart-pumpin' cardio sweat sesh. Which leads me to…
Rhythm Cycling
Again, high-intensity, but low-impact. We are picking up the pace here and this is the room where we are gonna get in our feels while riding together as a team. You might be reading this like, “Yea, I just don't enjoy cycling.” BUT, before you tell yourself that, you HAVE to try rhythm cycling. I wish I could explain here how it feels, but you just cannot even put it into words until you experience the pure magic. “But Amber, I don't dance and this looks like dancing.” The upper body choreography is totally optional and I promise that the main focus will be the foundation, the fun stuff gets added in once we get the basics. 
This is the space we let loose, have fun, celebrate where we are in the moment, and leave the room stronger and better than when we walked in. 
We have plans for one more type of class, but working out all the details, so stay tuned.
“It's time to get out of your mind and into your body”
Regardless of the classes you choose to take, I hope you can drop your “to-do” list and EGO at the door and take the time to embrace the beautifUL ways your body moves for you.
I only cried like 12 times. But seriously. To go to the studio that inspired it all and actually LEARN from the best? It left me speechless. I even got to go up to the podium… THE podium that I watched Kristina Girod teach on while riding on my bike at home in my bedroom through my phone hooked up to a tiny tripod. Like truly surreal. It left me feeling so confident that this leap of faith is right where I am meant to be… even when it feels scary.
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Wanna join our team?
Not ready to start training right at this moment, but working to get everything set so that we can start in the next 1-2 months. Interested in becoming a Lagree and/or Rhythm Cycling Coach? Shoot me an email at hello@asyouare-fitness.com so I can get you all the deets when ready.
Thanks for being on this journey with me. 
can't wait to make magic together.
xo, Amber

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