Dear Friends, 
    While it’s not officially Christmas yet, the season seems to be popping up everywhere. For someone like me, it’s Christmas year-round. It isn’t the day or a month, it’s an attitude of the heart.  
    My goal was to retire in 2023 but as so often happens with me, I came up with yet another fun idea that refused to go away. Ideas have the alure of theater popcorn to me. I didn’t even try to remind myself I was retired.  
    When I started to write, the story exploded out of me.  The first draft was completed within a week. Yes, a week!  This so rarely happens in a writers life that it’s considered a gift. Doing the revisions, I added a couple of extra chapters, expanding the plot even more.
     It’s a classic tale. Scrooge meets one of Santa’s helpers with a fun twist. The two are stuck together, locked in a room. My original title was Stuck With Jack, which no one seemed to like but me. My daughter came up with the title of Jack Frost and it fit, so that is what we have.  
     I know you’re going to enjoy this fun Christmas novella.
*eBook and Audiobook available for pre-order. Paperback available on 11.1.23
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