Enjoying the city of Madrid
Dear First name / friend,
September has been a wonderful month! It was full of education sessions. At the same time, I got the chance to go on a family vacation. After that was the European Doula Network (EDN) Conference, and that was amazing! I was expecting births too, and the babies decided to come when I was away. Thanks to my dear backup, all mothers got the sister power in their birthing space.
I am back to work with lots of energy and am continuing my journey with new families.
Last but not least, I am back on Instagram. I am sharing more about my business and everything about it. If you are not following me already, I would love to connect @doulaaysegulbozbaltaci
In today's newsletter:
Parenthood instincts
Being a doula is my way of changing the World-EDN Conference 2023

Parenthood instincts
A dove couple had babies on our balcony last month. Their instincts, patience, and effort were worth watching. We were lucky to have witnessed the birth of the babies. Here is how it happened: First, we saw the doves around our balcony, searching for a secure place. Then they started to bring some branches and form the nest. When the nest is ready, the mother dove starts to sit on the nest. At some point, we saw two eggs (only when it was time to switch with the father dove.) Every day, two times a day, the father dove came and the mother dove went away for about half an hour. The rest of the time, she waited for days, sitting on the eggs. Such a patience! The incredible power of motherhood! Then one day, babies were born, and the shells were on the floor. We couldn’t even see the babies; they were so small. The same routine continued, but this time the father dove brought food to the babies and the mother dove fed them with her beak. The babies got bigger each day—very fast, actually. We were able to see them then. Later on, they began flapping their wings. The parents started to teach them too. The mother dove started to be gone more often, leaving the babies alone for a couple of days before they could fly and be gone. And finally, baby doves took off with the assistance of their parents.
Every step was so instinctual, full of trust, support, and patience. You can see how, as a doula, I observed everything by recalling our own births. Parenthood requires lots of patience, and we are all good when we can listen to our instincts. The power of childbirth education is to remind you of all this. Never forget to trust yourself, your body, your baby, and your instincts in this lifelong journey.

Being a doula is my way of changing the world
EDN Conference 2023
The annual conference of the European Doula Network was held in Madrid this year on September 29th, 30th, and October 1st. I was present, representing myself as a friend of EDN but also as the representative of our Turkish Doula Alliance and Istanbul Birth Academy.
I arrived two days early in Madrid and explored the city. I also got to meet and connect with some of my doula friends in town before the conference. Every day was so special and precious, reminding me of the reason for being a doula, which is always in my heart. As it says in our beautiful gift, shopping bags, ‘Being a Doula is my way of changing the world’
I have been a volunteer at the EDN office for about two years now. I am running the membership team. That’s why I also gave a speech at the conference, explaining the volunteer work. If you are interested in learning what 90 doulas do at a conference when they meet for 3 days, please check out my blog page. The conference article is coming soon. You will find all the details there. I already missed my doula sisters and am looking forward to meeting them next year in France.

I would like to finish doula-la notes with wonderful feelings from the EDN conference: being embraced, loved, grounded, sisterhood, and seeing the good in the world.




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