Eating clean is not an option, it’s a necessity.
If you’re reading this, then I know you’re interested in making positive changes in your life. We all want to be healthy and happy while we achieve our goals and dreams, and we all want to live a life filled with purpose and meaning.
But let me ask you this: Did you ever stop to think that part of the reason your journey has stalled is because you’re putting shitty fuel in your body’s gas tank?
Be honest with yourself. How many times a week do you consume junk or processed food? This includes your quick trips to the fast-food line too. How many times do you choose convenience over nutrition? Do you ignore the ingredients and nutrition labels on some of the groceries you buy because you don’t want to know how bad they really are?
If you’re like most people, the answer is probably too often.
I understand that they might taste good, but that is only because chemicals are put into the food to make it that way!
I can go on and on about some of the silent assassins in your food like Propylene Glycol and Butylated Hydroxyanisole, but that rabbit hole goes way down and contains some shit you don’t even want to know about. 
Make no mistake, I’m not preaching, and I’m not perfect. It took me a while to make the connection between the quality of the food I ate and the quality of my life. I had no idea how much my diet affected my mental health, physical health, energy levels, mood, performance, and productivity. Yes, it is that profound of an impact.
So, if you’re scratching your head wondering why all this crap is allowed to be sold and consumed, I’ll let you in on something. The FDA is not out there working in your best interests. In fact, it says right on their own website that they need more funding and better processes to effectively do their job. I wish I could say I was joking, but it’s all right here.
The writing on the wall is clear. You’re going to have to put in the work yourself.
You are the one who’s going to have to take responsibility for your own health and well-being. It’s your job to educate yourself and make informed decisions about what you eat.
-find fresh foods that are minimally processed-
If you watch my story on Instagram, you know that I’m pretty big on what is in your food. When it comes to longevity, macronutrients are not enough. You need to pay close attention to the quality, quantity, and timing of your meals too. The foods you eat should also be rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. If you can afford to eat organic, you should. I realize that can be a very expensive way to eat, so if you can’t, just find fresh foods that are minimally processed.
On that note, I want to let you in on a little something else. Food labels are created with the intent to deceive the buyer. It may sound like I’m throwing shade at the entire food marketing industry, but words matter, so I kind of am. And what’s worse…you can’t escape it.
Think about it, how many times during a commercial or on a food package have you seen or heard the words “wholesome” or “all-natural”?
You know I love truth, so let’s be truthful about word choice. The truth in business is that any food manufacturer can use the word “natural” on their packaging, in any way and at any time with zero accountability. If you’re wondering why, let’s go back to the FDA for a minute. According to their policies, there is no formal definition or regulation for the term “natural” in human food labeling. They consider the term to mean that the product is minimally processed with no artificial or synthetic products in it.
The truth is that it doesn’t mean anything. 
Even if the food you buy has no artificial ingredients, the term “natural” does not take into consideration the food production and processing methods. They also don’t deem that the word “natural” legally describes any nutritional or health benefit. So, why do we think eating natural foods is healthy? The FDA doesn’t define it that way.
I could go on, but you get my point. When you see these buzzwords in the grocery store, look right past them and go straight to the nutritional label.
Like I’ve said before, becoming aware and continuing to learn about true food has made every aspect of my life better. I feel more confident, more motivated, and more focused. I also perform better in the gym, at work, and in every other aspect of my life.
You can do this too. I’m not a registered dietician, I just give a shit about what is in my food and pay attention to what I’m eating. It’s not rocket science. Good in means good out, and the same goes in reverse. 
-the choice is yours-
Let’s touch on food allergies and intolerances too. These afflictions can happen to anyone, but it doesn’t mean you’re screwed. There are so many alternative solutions to food allergies today (including supplements) that the only thing that can stop you from having the body you want and the energy that comes with it…is you. You just have to put in a little more research to find out how to get your body the nutrients it needs while avoiding foods that may put you in the hospital.
Like I said, it all comes down to choices. You choose what you put in your mouth. You are the one who decides whether you’re going to eat clean or poison your body. It can be the difference between a long and healthy life or a short and sick one.
Side note, don’t give me that crap that you could die at any time, so it’s fair to enjoy foods that are fatty, salty, or sugary. We all know that we could die at any time, but I don’t use that as a reason to eat junk. I use it as a reason to do more, achieve more, and be more present for the ones in my life that I care about.
And while I’m at it, forget diets. Your relationship with food is a lifelong one. Accept it. There are no temporary fixes. Ever go on a successful diet just to reward yourself with a cheat meal?
When you do that, you f*ck up all of that progress. Your relationship with food should be a part of your lifestyle just like your personal relationships are. Eating clean is not something you do once in a while, this is an everyday thing.
Eating clean is also not a sacrifice, it’s an investment. 
-invest like your life depends on it-
We invest money to grow it, and the same concept applies to clean eating. We are investing in ourselves to grow as people. You need energy to take care of others and yourself. What do you think the human body runs on? We all want to breathe clean air and drink clean water, but then we go ahead and eat foods with sulfites, nitrates, and other toxic shit like sodium benzoate.
Fun fact, when sodium benzoate is combined with vitamin C (which happens in sodas, juices, and sauces) it forms a compound called Benzene (clinically proven to cause cancer). And guess what else…the FDA allows for certain limits of benzene in our drinking water and other food products. Yes, they really do.
It brings my main point back full circle: Eating clean is not an option, it’s a necessity.

So, what are you waiting for?
If you need some help or guidance on how to eat clean, remember that I am a resource for you.
You always know where to find me.
I'll see you in the next one,
-Steven Williams

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