In light of the current tragic events unfolding in Israel, I wanted to share photos from my last trip to Israel in 2006 with Project Mehalev. The trip was part volunteering and rebuilding the country after attacks of the Golan Heights in 2006 and also part discovery of the amazing country that Israel is.
We planted trees in the fields and painted schools. We traveled, explored the country's rich cultural heritage, and made friends for life. My heart and soul ache for Israel and I pray for the safety of hostages and all of the people of Israel.
I can't stay silent in this incredibly difficult time. Just like after 9/11 the world came together in solidarity to help NYC and the victims, Israel needs our support now more than ever. I wanted to share these resources that can offer ways we can help.
These resources were shared by a reputable travel company based in Israel, our partners on the ground who we trust. If you can help and donate, please review the list below.
At Olegana Travel Boutique, besides making an immediate donation, we pledge to donate $100 from each group trip spot sale (from now until the end of the year) to support the people of Israel.
Here's how you can help Israel right now: 
'Operations Room'
  • Sourcing protective equipment (mostly bullet proof vests and helmets) from suppliers, ensuring it matches army regulation standards, and delivering it directly into the hands of soldiers on the front
  • Sourcing medical supplies, drinking bags and other non tactical items which soldiers are missing
  • Assisting with the immediate needs of people displaced from the South such as accommodation, meals, clothes.
  • Staffed entirely by volunteers who have been working together for only a few days - not a registered charity/ no website, but they are working on this (I hope to have an update soon), they are a highly effective Operations Room.
  • To donate: please email Sarah ( and she will send you bank details. If you have a high giving capacity, please email first to arrange a call directly with the founder.
Ozrim Now (Help Now)
  • Sourcing protective equipment (mostly bullet proof vests and helmets) & medical equipment from suppliers, ensuring it matches army regulation standards, and delivering it directly into the hands of soldiers on the front
  • This organization is doing an excellent job of matching high urgent and very specific technical requests with very limited supply
  • To donate tax efficiently for US/ UK/ Canada/ Israel and other jurisdictions:
  • Outstanding Israeli NGO with extremely strong pre-existing base of volunteer youth across the country - strong network of logistically minded highly motivated young people ready to mobilise to meet urgent needs
  • Delivering emergency suppliers (food, clothes, toys etc) to the people of the South
  • Making sure shelters which are out of use used during peace time are habitable with electricity, toilets, water, mattresses, blankets, food
  • Helping elderly people who are alone in the South assisting with loneliness, logistics, psychological/ welfare assistance
  • As a youth organization it has the double advantage of all of the good work set out above, and simultaneously empowers disadvantaged (and potentially wayward) youth through providing them with positive volunteer activities and making them part of the solution rather than the problem - especially important while there is no school
  • To donate tax efficiently for US/ UK/ Israel and other jurisdictions:
  • USD donations:
  • GBP donations
Thank you for your support.
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- Anna  and  the Olegana Travel  Boutique  team 