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Oct Prompt 2 Check-In
Texture and nuance are the words that come to mind when looking at the pieces that have been created recently! Take a look:

Pages from our latest prompt as well as recent creations that have been made!
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digging my hands deep into the earth
it's me that I'm trying to free
release me from all that is not me
all that is burying me alive
digging until I get the shape of me to emerge
bringing up dirt and grime
then gently wiping off the rest
carving out the details of who I am without all that I have buried myself with
buried to protect myself from hurt
buried to hide
buried to keep myself away from others & myself
until I just couldn't deny that I ache for who
I am more than who I think they want me to be
unearthing me
dark & twisty
light so bright you can't see
once unearthed, free
free to move
free to breathe
free to feel the air gently touch my skin
free to be
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Top: “An attempt at Three Dimensional Pyramids … using HB, 2H and (2)H pencils…. as blogged by Carol Rosinski at
Bottom: “The Earth is becoming unearthed. Thanks climate change. 😤😡 Here I used some long ago sourced oxide watercolor paint handmade by @carrie.ann.hall, a wonderfully multi-faceted artist.”  - Vanesa

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"I did two pieces in my sketchbook for unearth. For the first I used modeling paste, acrylic, glue and little plastic jewels that I love. It's hard to capture the sparkle with my phone camera but I wanted it to be jewels peeking out of the Earth.
And in the same vein I did a picture of panning for gold and I think it was mostly acrylic paint maybe with an acrylic marker and then I used some chunky gold glitter in the pan for the gold flakes unearthed from the river silt! Again, hard to capture the glitter but it's there haha." - Claudia

I'll be working with potatoes and gouache today for my interpretation of “unearth”. I never thought to use gouache for potato stamping until I came across this piece by Emily Ryan and was inspired to try it! I've only used acrylic and am excited to try a new medium using this technique, I'll keep you posted on how it goes :)
I can't believe that the next prompt will be sent out in November and our Creative Spark year will be reaching the one year mark very soon! In the meantime, continue exploring “unearth” if more ideas are calling and have a treat filled weekend! 🎃👻
Happy Halloween and I'll talk to you soon!
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I'd love to continue our creative explorations! Sign ups for 2024 are now open.
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