Email #46
Did you know you can shore up your immune system so it can better defend itself when it gets hacked by illnesses?
Actually, we all have illness germs in us all the time - but our immune system is doing it's thing to protect us so we don't get sick!
What are the BEST “stay healthy” supplements?
We will be covering more in our Immune Support weekend (scroll down for info) BUT we wanted to share one that you might not have considered as good for immune support: probiotics.
Probiotics help our gut health.
To super simplify it:
We all have a bevy of "bugs" in our gut - some are healthy bugs and some are illnesses. When the bad outweighs the good, we have issues.
Probiotics add more good into the mix.
AND when you realize your gut is responsible for at least part of:
- Digestion (duh...)
- Brain health
- Mood - much of our serotonin is produced in the gut
- AND immunity - many of our immune cells are produced in the gut
You can understand why gut health is so crucial!
Join us this weekend for Immune System 101! Not only will you have 3 days of info in posts being sent out but also an online webinar that will end in a Q & A - bring your questions. This will be recorded (all but the Q & A) so you can watch it at your convenience. We will also give you access to our web page with all the info, if you prefer reading it yourself!
~ For access to it all ~
THEN…we will personally give you access, if you
let us know (by clicking “GOING”) by 5PM today, 10/20, (to give us time to send the link to you!)
Hope to see you there!