Dark Feminine Awakening
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The Dark Feminine is awakening right now.
I feel it so strongly internally and collectively. In fact, I’ve never felt it this viscerally before.
This energy is potent, wild and devouring. It’s the most powerful and transformative energy there is.
Sometimes she is referred to as the Queen of the Underworld or the Black Goddess. Her story has been told through various Archetypal Dark Goddesses from different cultures, such as Persephone, Lilith, Medusa, Kali, Isis, and Inanna, among others.
This is the woman who devours old life to birth anew.
She calls us to meet our anger with reverence, and avenges to restore balance.
She comes to us when we are overly attached or identified and crumbles away all the false projections we are gripping too tightly onto, allowing us to rise in our truth and honor the sacredness of our hearts with fierce devotion.
And if we don’t honor her requests, she will rock our worlds and do it for us.
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She beckons us to wholeheartedly OWN our wanting and to ACT upon our desires — while insisting that we become absolutely unwavering in our integrity.
She is the birthplace of the erotic within us, the power source for our sensuality, sexuality and life force energy.
She demands we stay open to life and not shrink ourselves and our expression by any means whatsoever.
If we do not honor and revere her power and gifts when she arrives, we may experience her as fear, confusion, paralysis, and depression. We may feel frenzied, out of control, threatened and desperate.
Yet, at the same time, if we can open ourselves to her and create the capacity to hold and move this energy, it allows us to break free into absolute ALIVENESS…
Every sense AWAKENED.
Crystal clear clarity.
Creative and sexual energy ACTIVATED.
Root chakra OPEN and ON FIRE 🔥
A fire that illuminates the path forward to create the energy to build a new world — one anchored in the heart and with reverence for the feminine oracle.
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And her presence awakened me like a lightning bolt last week - first in my dreams, then pulsing through my body, permeating my life.
All in one fell swoop she ignited newfound clarity, revealing where I was hiding and playing small, where I was over-giving and where I needed to set firmer boundaries in my life, especially in my relationship.
Suppressed truths suddenly surged through me, and I spoke up with clarity and assertiveness, expressing my needs, wants, and desires. Those around me are used to me being “sweet and kind” — one who doesn’t rock the boat (a trait influenced by the deep-seated ancestral trauma and cultural norms of the Japanese female lineage in my family). So it came as a surprise as I asserted myself loud and clear and took swift and unexpected action on all that needed to change.
Any time I found myself shrinking or holding back my expression, my body literally began trembling, and I knew it was the Dark Goddess insisting that I stay OPEN and AWAKE. “This is not the time to fall asleep or go back into hiding!”
Though uncomfortable, I reveled in the potent activation. I've endured many painful transformations and awakenings in the past, yet this time, I sensed that my nervous system had the capacity to wholeheartedly embrace it, allowing it to expand me without destroying me.
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Embodying the divine feminine is not a one-dimensional journey; it’s not only love, light, sweetness and nurturance but also being fierce, sharp, and at times, voracious. 
And due to this profound awakening, I am dedicated to learning how to wield this energy with mastery - because while it has the potential to manifest beautiful new realities, it can also become violent, manipulative, and vindictive when suppressed and kept in the shadow — and if left unreleased, it goes supernova. (trust me, I know from experience).
I believe the integrated Dark Feminine is the medicine for the collective right now. Her energy having the ability to awaken us on a mass scale. And with this, I bow down to her, with a passionate devotion to open myself with wild abandon to her wisdom and to join her as a fierce protector of the sacred.
Whether this energy is activating you and lighting you up or causing you to collapse — DEEEEP BREATH – this is a journey towards a collective awakening and we are in this together. Holding you and sending you love.
with reverence,


Book a 1:1 Personal Styling Session to awaken your Dark Feminine and embody her consciously through your style.
