You've been in your new place for a few months now. How does it feel? When I ask this question, I mean how does your actual living space feel, as well as spots on campus, and larger town or city.
Are you feeling settled? Are you taking time to explore?
Maybe it feels little scary to venture out, especially on your own. Maybe you're doing grad school where you did undergrad. Are you finding a sense of newness with “fresh eyes?"
This week we invite you to consider how you're feeling about PLACE.
The physical place you are living, but more importantly, how you are showing up in that place. Are you finding your groove? What's been challenging? Are you challenging yourself?
There's so much NEWNESS to being in grad school. Opportunities to learn and grow. Meeting new people and starting to build relationships that could last a lifetime.
Our McNair Grad Group is here for you to share the experience of being a first year grad student. How are you feeling? You all have the commonality of being McNair scholars pursuing your dreams through higher education.
We would love to host a live gathering so we can get to know each other - but first - let us know you're alive (and well) and interested in being part of our special group by
logging in and leaving a comment or even just responding to this email.
Right now it feels like we're speaking into a void. Anybody out there?
Let us know you if you appreciate having this extra layer of support in your grad school journey. Allison and I are here for it, but it's going to take a little bit of effort on your part.
And if this doesn't resonate, feels like too much or something you don't need or want - feel free to unsubscribe. Our goal is to build community among first-year McNair scholar grads interested in engaging and being connected.
We hope you are finding your way in your new place, by the way. 💛
This virtual place, our McNair Grad Group, is here for you, but we need you to help build it. We think being connected is important and want to create something special we'd love for you to be part of. ✨