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Hello Friend!
Today, I want to shed light on an essential hormone in a woman's life—progesterone. This hormone plays a pivotal role in the intricate dance of our hormonal system, especially during the transition into perimenopause and menopause. Let's explore how progesterone affects your body, emotions, and overall well-being during this crucial phase of life.
Progesterone's Role in Our Monthly Cycle
Progesterone is a hormone that rises after ovulation, preparing the body for potential pregnancy. When pregnancy doesn't occur, progesterone levels drop. Progesterone isn't just about reproduction; it influences your energy levels, libido, and emotional balance throughout the day.
The Roller Coaster of Progesterone in Perimenopause
During perimenopause, your body experiences a roller coaster of hormonal changes. Progesterone levels rise and fall irregularly. This fluctuation can lead to those frustrating mornings when you wake up with a bloated belly, feeling like you've gained weight overnight. It's important to understand that this is often due to progesterone fluctuations.
The Impact of Stress on Progesterone
Living in a constant state of stress, running on high-intensity cardio, and neglecting sleep and meals can further disrupt your hormonal balance. This lifestyle elevates cortisol levels, which can accelerate the decline of progesterone. When progesterone isn't where it should be, it can cause estrogen dominance.
Estrogen Dominance and Its Symptoms
Estrogen dominance can lead to heavy bleeding, weight gain, mood swings, depression, PMS symptoms, hot flashes, headaches, anxiety, and even conditions like PCOS. Often, the first response is to prescribe birth control pills or weight loss drugs, but it's essential to address the bigger picture and the individual's overall health.
Solutions to Progesterone Imbalance
If you suspect your progesterone levels are low, it's time to take a holistic approach to rebalancing your hormones:
Step 1: Destress Take your stress seriously. Cortisol is the puppeteer of your hormones, and to make progress, you need to relax. You don't have to meditate or do yoga if that's not your thing. Even a light walk, listening to music, taking a bath, or reading a non-stimulating book for 5-10 minutes a day can help shift your body from "fight or flight" to "rest and digest" mode.
Step 2: Eat Enough Calories are crucial for recovery and stress management. A lack of calories can stunt progesterone production. Make sure you're eating enough to support your hormonal function, which means no less than 1600 calories a day.
Step 3: Take a Vitamin B Complex A vitamin B complex, not just B12, is a key component in the progesterone-building pathway. Take it in the morning with some water to avoid giving you extra energy, which you might not want before bedtime.
Step 4: Increase Healthy Fats Increasing your intake of healthy fats has been shown to help boost progesterone levels.
Remember, having blood work done can provide valuable insights into your hormone levels. Having a baseline allows you to track your progress and make informed decisions about your health.
Take care of yourself and prioritize your well-being during this transformative phase. Addressing progesterone imbalance can have a profound impact on your overall health and happiness.
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Next week I will be discussing how Menopause effects your brain. Have you walked into a room forgetting what you're there for more than usual? Stumbling over your words? You are not alone, and NO you are not crazy! Your brain acually changes during menopause! 
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Xo, Jen