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That's an extra $2,500 of Group & Personalized Coaching value to make sure you always have someone to turn to and ask questions so you never feel stuck. 
Hey First name / friend
Ever wonder why you're not quite where you want to be financially? You set those goals, and they always seem to squirm just out of reach, right?
Your financial life might feel like a puzzle missing a few critical pieces and it can be confusing, exhausting and wildly frustrating when you want things to be different, but you don't quite know how to make things the way you want them to be. 
Does this sound familiar?
👉You may have researched “what’s an index fund” on Google or attempted to look at your investment statements to try to figure out what exactly you're invested in…but oftentimes you’re left feeling more unsure than when you started. 
👉Maybe you heard about a good personal finance book to read and decided, why not give it a shot? Soon to realize many of those books are about as riveting as watching paint dry….and that’s coming from someone who loves this stuff 😉
👉And I bet you’re feeling uneasy about opening up the lines of communication about investing or personal finances with friends because it's awkward, you're vulnerable and maybe a little embarrassed that maybe you don’t know “enough” or as much as “you should”. 
👉Or perhaps worst of all, maybe you've reached out to a financial professional in the past or currently work with one now and you feel they're talking down to you or you find the conversation only includes throwing out jargon you don't understand.
So, then what? 
If you don’t know who to turn to, you don’t know which resources to absorb, you don’t know which tips actually make sense for you, you’re probably left thinking…
👉Will I ever feel confident in my financial choices? 
👉Will I ever feel financially secure or like I’m on the “right path” making the “right financial decisions”? 
👉Are my financial goals always going to feel like they’re JUST far enough out of reach? 
My response…
Yes, you CAN feel confident as a savvy investor and yes, your financial goals CAN be within your reach…and yes, without dedicating all of your time and energy to make it happen. 
You don’t need…
❌To be good at math
❌To be a "numbers person"
❌To pay thousands of dollars in fees year after year for someone else to manage your money
….in order to make money in the stock market, confidently build wealth and secure your financial future by way of investing.  
But what you DO need is a simple, step-by-step, proven and tested system and structure around building your wealth.  
Goals are best served with plans. Which is why you need to make an investment plan to reach your financial goals. 
And that's exactly what the Savvy Investor Flex will help you craft. Because it's not just about learning to invest - what's a stock and what's a bond…it's about understanding how your financial choices today will get you closer to your goals! 
Don’t just take it from me, hear from a few past clients…
🎉How about Allyson who sent me a message saying, “Hey, I just wanted to let you know, I crossed the half a million net worth mark this weekend!! Thank you for all your help Victoria!” 
🎉Or what about Lisa who shared a quick win with me, “ Thanks to your course I just successfully made a backdoor roth contribution with some bonus money! Confidently split the bonus into funding some long, mid and short term goals 🙂 “ 
🎉And what about Kate who said “I really feel like I made some great strides - Finding my financial freedom number, assessing when I can retire, getting the personal loan off my plate, becoming smarter on tax items, more details and value of the index funds and roth…Thanks for all your help! This has been amazing!” 
🎉Or what about Neve who said, "I will be able to enjoy life more as I know what I can spend without feeling guilty and still staying on course to hit all of my goals. It has been freeing!"
Fast forward, and this could be you, living with more financial confidence, enjoying a clear path toward financial freedom, and with a plan to retire on your own terms. 
The Savvy Investor Flex program can help you get there.
But here's the kicker: You need to act fast because this exclusive Early Bird offer, to get $2,500 of savings by getting 3 Extra Months working with yours truly, is slipping away. 
✨That is 6 months in total!! Can you imagine how much progress we can make together in 6 months?! Please don't let it pass you by. 
I'll be back tomorrow with more about how this program will work for you. 
Until then, don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you have by replying directly to this email! 
Cheers to your financial success,