
Weekly Newsletter

OCTOBER 2023 vol. 5

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Allow me a momentary pause from the world of food and farming this week, as I delve into a cultural topic close to my heart. At least once a year I get together with a group of men that I hold most near and dear.  Men that accompanied me through the fires of adversity, whom I’ve developed an eternal bond with. This past weekend, we came together once again to strengthen that connection. 
Upon graduating high school, I wanted to become a Naval Officer.  After having been rejected by the Naval Academy, I applied to Texas A&M University and joined the ROTC program.  I’m sure many of you are familiar with the Corp of Cadets at Texas A&M, but for those who are not, it’s basically the same experience as being at one of the military academies, except they have all four branches of the military (as opposed to exclusively Navy, Army, etc.), and you go to class with civilian students.  
Another key difference is that there is less “adult” oversight – at least when I was there.  The Corps was pretty much run by the cadets themselves.  Sure, there are cadre to assist, but it more closely resembles “Lord of the Flies” than the US Military.  That may be a bit hyperbolic, but as a Fish (freshman) it sure felt that way.   Through sweat, blood, and tears, we grew together.  We built character and comradery through a rite of passage that most will never understand.  I ended up joining the Army, as did a few others, but that didn’t prevent us from staying in contact.
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For over 30 years, we have kept in touch.  In the early days perhaps, it was the chance encounter on an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf or downrange at a training facility, but as we transitioned back into “civilization” we would have more deliberate gatherings at tailgates parties or a shared hunting trip.  Through the years, even our children have established friendships with one another – often spending spring break together on the Frio River.  I treasure these men – they are my family.  They are always there to offer wise council or a “gentle” correction.  I trust them.  I love them.
Is that permissible? Does it even exist anymore?  Do we build relationships that are eternal, unbreakable?  Relationships that are built on a shared belief so deep that you’re willing to pay the ultimate price?  I worry about the next generation – particularly young men.  Sure, life has always had its challenges, but have they ever been so existential?  The very fabric of our being is being torn asunder in the name of progress.  We are facing a crisis of identity. 
God forgive us.  Grant us wisdom.  Empower us to raise up young men of character, men of courage; to make the hard choices and the sacrifices necessary to build a better tomorrow.  Raise leaders among us who are wise and selfless, who love You and who love their neighbor more than life itself. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends -John 15:13.

Check out this new market and stay informed!
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Weekly Markets

We're pleased to announce the Pflugerville Pfarmers Market's permanent move to the Green Red Barn at the back of Heritage Park. Say goodbye to the hot parking lot, and hello to shaded comfort with parking available next to the barn.
Pflugerville Pfarmers Market Schedule:
  • Regular Season: May 2 - October 31
  • Pfestive Markets: November 7 & 21, December 5, 12 & 19


Monthly Markets

Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
