Hello friend! Brittany here. 👋 
For many years, the Vive brand has been far more than just a business to me (and many others). Vive has also been a space to connect, to heal, to be inspired and to learn from each other. It's truly been an honor to co-create something that has been a part of so many lives, in ways big and small. Thank you for the support in sustaining this dream all these years later! 💖
You might not know this, but Vive was created only a few short months after I stepped onto my healing path – now over 10 years ago! – with my first transformational workshop, where I first embraced the possibility of becoming a force for good in the world and nourishing others with nature's medicine along the way. For many moons, I've wondered how to share the beyond-business side of Vive more fully… and that way has started to come to life.
I am very excited to announce that we are now opening up the Vive space to collaborate with other creators, dreamers, healers, visionaries, space-holders and change-makers to host events and experiences. I have learned time and again along my own journey the magic of community and am honored to offer a space for others to gather and connect.
With that said, we would love to have you at our first Vive-hosted community gathering taking place this next Sunday, November 5th at 3pm!
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a Women's Circle to honor our ancestors and those who have died, to tune into their wisdom and discover what we can receive, honor and glean from our lineage and guiding lights in our life.
WHEN: Sunday • November 5th • 3pm
this experience will be approximately 3-4 hours in length depending on how many sisters join the group (max of 20)
1597 S. 1100 E. Salt Lake City, UT 84105
In this month’s circle, we’re celebrating Samhain / All Hallows Eve and honoring our ancestors who have paved the way before us. 
This time of year is when we have the opportunity to celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth as the veil between our world and the spiritual world is at its thinnest.
We’ll be reflecting on the wisdom our ancestors share and looking forward to what we want to create for the next 7 generations of our lineage.
During our time together, 
you can anticipate a safe, sacred space to experience:
* INTIMATE SHARING with sisters in community about an ancestor or guiding light that has influenced your life
* VISUALIZATION to connect with your ancestors and seek their wisdom and guidance to support what you want to create in the world
* MOVEMENT to honor your ancestors and all that has been before you
* RITUAL to give thanks and celebrate Samhain + All Hallows Eve 
* POST-CIRCLE POTLUCK to ground and nourish our bodies with yummy, healthy dishes (feel welcome to bring your own!)
This experience is offered by donation with a suggested starting point of $20-$25 (bring cash or venmo!) 
Space is limited … Save your seat in our circle for this transformational experience that will uplift, inspire and empower you. 
Registration closes Friday, November 3rd!

Warmly and with love,
Vive Juicery Founder, Space Holder, Plant Person & Energy Guide

Meet Rebekah,
“Over the past many years and the past 4 in particular, I have been on an incredible healing journey. Through this journey I have felt a strong call to be in service to others (mostly women) that are also on a healing path. I feel it is of vital importance for the women on this planet, at this time, to heal together and remember who we truly are. There is a belief that once we have 1 million women’s circles happening on this earth, there will be a shift in consciousness. That it will be the tipping point towards a new experience of what it is to be human and in community on this planet. I don’t know about you, but I can hardly stand the anticipation of such a new reality.”

“In this and future circles, it is my intention to create a safe space of healing for each of us. To be able to be safely vulnerable. To feel acceptance, connection, and camaraderie with other women. To lift each other up. To honor one another as well as all the women before us, and those yet to come. To have a window of time to be completely present to what is, and have gratitude for all of it. That said, I cannot create any of this without you. So, I am asking you to join me in this process.  It will take each and every woman willing to show up, willing to do the work, willing to be vulnerable and connect, to make it happen. Join us. You make a difference. And together it’s even better. xo”