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ps hi from me & TFS member Lauren in Santa Barbara! 
office hours tomorrow! 🫶🏼
Hi First name / friends!! 
I hope everyone is having a fantastic Sunday!! Just a reminder that our second office hours call of the month is tomorrow at 2pm EST / 11am PST. 
For everyone new/new-ish, our second office hours call of the month is open-forum. This means that this is your time to workshop everything coming up for you in regards to marketing, and get 1:1 help from me, as well as from the group. 
If you haven't yet watched the SEO + Discoverability training, click below and catch up before tomorrow's call! 
welcome new members! 🫶🏼
upcoming 21 day challenge🫶🏼
As we all know by now, I don't believe there is such a thing as perfect - but I DO believe the people that show up and communicate consistently are the ones who get ahead in business. I'm creating a program that will consistent of 3 weeks of a deep dive focus on our messaging - challenging us to show up, challenging us to message our business and offerings in new, creative ways, and challenge us to understand and speak to our clients in ways we haven't quite nailed yet. 
The purpose is:
✅ to get us more comfortable with being consistent
✅ workshop our messaging and generate creative and effective ways to communicate our product
✅ release the pressure of the old ways of selling
✅ release the pressure and expectation that every single post needs to sell
✅ really pull out our fun & true core message for doing what we do. 
MEMBERS use the code 21DAYFFC for 25% off - it makes your total $74.25. 
Psst - b/c you know I love sharing goals… I have a BHAG of 100 people in this challenge. BHAG is a lululemon term we used to share, and it means Big Huge Audacious Goal – curious what BHAGs you guys are working on for the remainder of 2023?? Maybe something to bring to the call tomorrow ;) 
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See you soon!! Questions? Just hit reply :)