A My Little Pony, a witch, Michael Meyers, and Ghost Face walk into a house.
Sounds like the setup to a strange Halloween joke, right?
Instead it's what the Twinx are all going as for Halloween.
They'll be loaded down with candy come Tuesday night and I'm hoping for some warmer weather since we got our first snowfall of the year—and Mother Nature gave us more than a normal dusting. We got about 3 inches of the white powdery stuff here, but up in Denver and in the mountains, they definitely got more!
A few Q&As to get out of the way?
Do I ski?
No. I am accident-prone enough without strapping death sticks to my feet.
Do I snowboard?
Please see the answer to the previous question.
Do I do any winter activities?
Does sitting in front of the fireplace while writing, reading, or watching movies count?
Those activities are definitely in my wheel house!