You hear us talking about the 4 T's so often, which tends to be spun in a “what not to do” sort of way, but what about the inverse - WHAT DO WE DO to be healthy? You've heard the message time and time again, but let's break it down! When it comes to our overall health, there are four pillars that are absolutely necessary to maintain OPTIMAL function and expression:
1.) A clear nervous system - is your nervous system clear and regulated?! Are you able to perform the deep autonomic (automatic) functions of your body in a proper way - digestion, immune function, heart rate, respiration, sleep, etc.? This is a non-negotiable in our family and practice.
2.) Proper fuel and physiology - how are you feeding and fueling your body? Does the body spend more time fighting the chemicals you've ingested or are you giving it everything it needs to run as best as it possibly can? Plenty of pastured protein, healthy fats, and well-sourced/in-season carbohydrates should be prioritized!
3.) MOVE your body - activate the body and then keep it active! While chiropractic care helps tremendously to free the body's communication pathways, physical activity is necessary. When we see low energy (not enough activity) through yellow bars in the sEMG, there's just not enough nerve activity (or physical input into the body) to maintain the body's necessary functions. Zero input = not reaching your full potential!
4.) Mental health/PURPOSE in Life - this is a byproduct of doing the other three things as well as your spiritual life. Do you have a purpose filled life? Do you enjoy your work/job or know that it is a means to an end but leave it at the door? Do you spend time enjoying God's creation with the sunshine on your face? If not, come talk to us! :)
- Drs. Joe and Brittany